Does Birth Order Affect Intelligence Assignment.

Does Birth Order Affect Intelligence Assignment.

The article by Amber Esping discusses the relationship between birth order and intelligence. The issue has been studied by many researchers while interest in the topic has continued to grow, with many studies finding that first-born children were more successful than the other born after that. Does Birth Order Affect Intelligence Assignment.They were found to be spread across many careers and achievements associated with eminence. It is asserted that there is a possibility that this correlation is only limited to particular achievements in science (Esping, 2003). It is noted that children born later had a higher likelihood of becoming scientists and transformative leaders, and could be more creative than the first-borns.


Conceivably it is true that first-born children have a higher IQ than others born later on. There, however, are various reasons why this, if true, may not be very significant. Many studies have confirmed that the achievement of eminence is not solely dependent on intelligence. Certain personality traits have been found to be several times more significant than the individual’s IQ. Also, birth order only accounted for a negligible percentage of variance of intelligence scores in studies that showed a considerable advantage for children born first.Does Birth Order Affect Intelligence Assignment.

The advantage of the first born child is not significant since it is only about one point above that of the next sibling and 2 points above that of the next, and so on. In conclusion is that the negligible difference, if correct, will most likely not matter in the determination of success. Science provides a weak relation between IQ and achievement (Wolke, 2015). Scientists with an IQ difference of 50 points have an equal chance of winning a Nobel Prize.



Esping, A. (2003). Human Intelligence: Does Birth Order Affect Intelligence. Retrieved Nov 28, 2018, from Intelltheory:

Wolke, D. (2015). Does birth order have an effect on IQ? Retrieved Nov 28, 2018, from World Economic Forum: Birth Order Affect Intelligence Assignment.