Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis Disorders Impacting Female Fertility Essay

Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis Disorders Impacting Female Fertility Essay


Q1: The pathophysiology of PCOS

The hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis controls female reproduction.  Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), is a disorder mainly characterized by symptoms and signs of excess levels of androgen hormone and ovulatory dysfunction and disrupts the function of the HPO axis.  According to Liao et al. (2021), HPO axis imbalance is regarded as a significant pathophysiology underlying PCOS, with the indication that central modulation, in particular, the abnormal activation of the hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons plays a crucial role in the development of PCOS.  The increased pulse frequency of the GnRH can promote the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH), leading to ovarian dysfunction and abnormal synthesis of sex steroids.  Conversely, peripheral sex steroids can cause the modulation of GnRH neurons via a feedback effect, which is damaged in PCOS, hence creating a vicious cycle Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis Disorders Impacting Female Fertility Essay.


Hormones play a crucial role in the development of PCOs. Liao et al. (2021) posit that hypothalamic GnRH neuron function as a fundamental regulation of the synthesis of LH due to the abnormally increased pulse of GnRH,  LH amplitude, and frequency in females with PCOS, which further facilitates the synthesis of androgen in the theca cells of the ovary and promote ovarian dysfunction and hyperandrogenemia.

PCOS is the major cause of anovulatory infertility. According to Mikhael et al. (2019), the ovary plays a crucial role in the release of steroid hormones essential for the development of follicles and maturation of oocytes.  The ovary contains a finite number of oocytes that a female has in her reproductive life and affects the hormonal milieu needed for the maturation and fertilization of the oocyte. This regulation can be adversely influenced as a result of the occurrence of pathologies within any HPO axis juncture.  in women with  PCO, the ovaries might develop several small collections of fluids which may hamper the regular release of the ovum.

Q2: The role of genetics and oncogenes in the development of reproductive cancers

Tumor catalytic genes and oncogenes play a major role in gynecological cancer genesis and development.   According to Kontomanolis et al. (2022), All stages of oncogenesis are determined by a series of modifications in a significantly restricted group of cellular genes referred to as oncogenes, microRNAs, and tumor suppressor genes. An oncogene is a gene whose activation of function occurs during the oncogenesis process. This activation occurs in three ways: point mutation, which causes activation of an enzyme, increased expression as a result of the presence of numerous copies of the gene (amplification) or disruption of expression of the promoter; and deficiencies that eliminate regulatory areas from proteins.

The gene amplification process is the most popular mechanism of oncogene activation with the amplification of the 3q chromosome arm being the most frequent trigger for cervical cancer onset.  The oncogene HER-2/neu is potentiated in ovarian cancer while enhancement of the AKT pathway is connected with uterine cancer development.  Ovarian cancer develops as a result of PRAD1 oncogene amplification (Kontomanolis et al., 2022). Genetically linked reproductive cancers are only seen in women since their origin is the female reproductive system.


Kontomanolis, E. N., Koutras, A., Fasoulakis, Z…… Ntounis, T. (2022). A Brief Overview of Oncogenes and Signal Transduction Pathways in Gynecological Cancer. Cancer Diagnosis & Prognosis, 2(2), 134-143. doi: 10.21873/cdp.10087

Liao, B., Qiao, J., & Pand, Y.  (2021). Central Regulation of PCOS: Abnormal Neuronal-Reproductive-Metabolic Circuits in PCOS Pathophysiology.  Frontiers in Endocrinology, 12, 667422.
Mikhael, S., Punjala-Patel, A., & Gavrilova-Jordan, L. (2019). Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis Disorders Impacting Female Fertility. Biomedicines, 7(1),5. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines7010005.

Discussion Forum Sample

Discussion questions in NUR-631 are presented with a range of options.

Read the questions carefully and follow directions regarding whether to select one, two or answer multiple questions for the response. Present responses using the sample format provided below and include at least two citations from peer-reviewed journals published within the last 5 years or from the textbooks. References must be in proper APA format. A substantive responses must be at least 150 words in length and pertain to the topic as it relates to pathophysiology.

Sample DQ

Select one of the following discussion questions for your discussion response.

  1. What did Mark Twain mean when he said, “the difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug”? Demonstrate your answer by providing an example from your own life when “almost the right word” created confusion, misunderstanding, or adversity.
  2. How can knowing your fellow students and fostering a sense of community benefit your educational experience?
  3. Part of effective communication involves knowing how to respond rather than react to something someone has said or written. In the online classroom format, why is it important to read a classmate’s post and assess that person’s intended message before you offer a response? How can this skill of responding help you in your career Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis Disorders Impacting Female Fertility Essay?

Sample Student DQ Response Format

What did Mark Twain mean when he said, “the difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug”? Demonstrate your answer by providing an example from your own life when “almost the right word” created confusion, misunderstanding, or adversity.


It is very important to use the right words when communicating. If you do not select your words carefully you can end up not getting your point across or miss a great opportunity. Using the right word makes sure you are understood correctly. If you are not careful about the words you use, it is easier for people to misinterpret them. This can have a negative impact in the medical field, as miscommunication affects “patients’ quality of care, health outcomes, adherence to treatment and satisfaction” and is also cited as the “most common reason for patient medical complaints” (Morgan, 2013, p. 123).

I have experienced what the difference between the “right word” and the “almost right word” can do. A couple years ago I was having a tough time. I was really busy with a lot of different things and my family could tell it was wearing me down. One day my daughter came up and handed me a picture she drew of the two of us. I was in the middle of something and just took it and said, “Oh, that’s nice, thanks.” Later, I could see she was sad. I felt terrible and thought about how much work she put into the picture for me, and how she was trying so hard to make me happy. I used almost the right words, but not the right words. We both felt much better after I took the time to express how I really felt.


Morgan, S. (2013). Miscommunication between patients and general practitioners: Implications
for clinical practice. Journal of Primary Health Care, 5(2), 123-128 Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis Disorders Impacting Female Fertility Essay