Healthcare Improvement Project Planning Research Paper

Healthcare Improvement Project Planning Research Paper

Kick-Off Meeting Agenda

Healthcare Improvement Project Planning: Patient Falls

Date: 18th August 2022   Time: 2:00 pm     Location: Hospital Conference Room

Meeting Objectives

  1. Get members to know each other
  2. Ensure stakeholders and team members understand the project’s background, objectives
  3. Help team members familiarize themselves with the implementation process and timelines
  4. Set expectations n the quality of practice, meet timelines and work in collaboration Healthcare Improvement Project Planning Research Paper

Pre-work Preparation:

  1. Members were notified about the meeting via provided emails and phone contacts five days before the kick-off meeting
  2. A PowerPoint presentation on the HIP background, implementation, timelines, action plan, project management tools, and roles of team members,
  3. Copies of the RACI tool, action plan, communication plan, and Gantt send to the team members’ emails


Time Topic Facilitator
2:00 pm

5 min

Welcome and introduce team members

Have them give a  short speech introducing themselves

Project manager
2:05 pm

10 min

Project background

Explain to the attendees that the current healthcare improvement project seeks to implement evidence-based fall-prevention interventions among geriatric patients. The HIP was designed to solve the increased falls among geriatric patients. Patient falls are a significant indicator of the quality of care. In light of the physical, psychological, and financial burden caused by patient falls, there is a need to implement effective fall-prevention strategies among the patient population where the incidences are witnessed. Studies reveal that multimodal fall-prevention interventions effectively prevent the problem among patients.


Project manager
2:15 pm

5 min

Project Implementation

The implementation process will involve executing the plan that includes staff education, patient education, implementation of fall-prevention interventions, holding status meetings, and monitoring the process, among other tasks. The project manager will utilize project management tools, including the Gantt chart, RACI, Communication plan, action plan, and budget, to manage and monitor the process.

Nurse educator
2:20 pm

10 min

Explain the use of project management tools- HIP Budget, Gantt chart, RACI, Communication plan, action plan, Project manager
2:30 pm

10 min


The different tasks in the implementation process and other phases will be conducted within estimated timelines. The project manager would encourage each member assigned to particular tasks to adhere to timelines and communicate effectively and promptly. By consulting the project team, the PM will reassign members to share roles and facilitate the completion of late tasks within set timelines. Each project team member will access the Gantt chart to be familiar with the project progress and task completion.

Nurse administrated
2:40 pm

5 min

Action Items

Submit the healthcare improvement proposal to the hospital administration for approval at project initiation

Choose a team of care providers and bring them on board to make them embrace the ideas proposed by the project manager at the planning stage

Staff education and briefing them on their roles in the implementation phase

Execute fall prevention intervention, track progress, monitor implementation

Identify key performance indicators, outcomes, benchmarks, and lessons learned at the evaluation phase

2:45 pm

5 min

Role Clarification

Project manager – design project, determine the smart goal, KPIs, select project team

Engage human resources, project management, and control, determine timelines

Nurse administrators – help select project team, project control plan

Nurses working in the geriatric unit – implement fall prevention interventions,

Clinicians – help hand over the project, determine timelines, be consulted during weekly status meetings

Nurse educators – educate nurses, help hand over the project

Project manager
2:50 pm

5 min

Responsibilities of the Project Team

The project team will help complete the tasks by guiding nurses recruited into the HIP on implementing patient education and fall prevention interventions. The team will also facilitate the delivery of tasks within set timeframes

The team will also document challenges faced by care providers or patients, concerns, and the progress of the project

The project team will be informed and consulted by the project manager during meetings to discuss and agreed on the matters of discussion

The project manager will involve the team in facilitating communication and managing the project. Different team members have significant roles in the communication and action plans, whereby they will be responsible for completing specific tasks.

Project manager
2:55 pm

5 min

Question and answer session

Closure of the kick-off-meeting

Nurse educator


On 23rd August 2022, the project manager visited the HIP site from 8 am and spent six hours managing and monitoring the implementation. The project manager observed staff education and patient education sessions, including collecting concerns from the patients. Patients voiced their perceptions and experiences regarding the training on preventing falls in the hospital or home settings. Specifically, some patients pointed out that they lacked the information about the need for orientation to their surroundings and hospital environment. The project manager acknowledged the project’s immediate impact on the patient’s knowledge levels regarding the prevention of the problem. The project manager hopes that during the two-weekly mini-checks of the achievement of KPIs, the healthcare facility would be witnessing fewer incidences of patient falls.

On 25th August 2022, the project manager met with the team to discuss the progress and address concerns raised during the week. The project team spent eight hours at the site from 730am and helped care providers implement fall-prevention interventions such as exercise promotion, the orientation of patients to the environment, patient education, and correction of footwear if indicated. During the day’s meeting, the PM engaged the team members in discussing how to make the education session more interesting to the audience. The team reached a consensus by majority vote to include interactive teaching-learning experiences, incentives such as notebooks, and demonstrations during educational sessions.


You are expected to begin an implementation journal to track your adventures…so be sure to do that (you’ll be writing about it in this task). I usually don’t see this task come back often…if it DOES, it’s usually because you forgot to talk about something that is in the task.  So, be sure to review each section with the task directions next to it to be sure all of the task components are discussed (that’s why I highly recommend and integrated sub-headings into this email… there’s a LOT of them, so subheadings are recommended! This paper is designed to be written AFTER you’ve implemented the project, so it will be in past tense! Here goes….Healthcare Improvement Project Planning Research Paper


A: Evaluate the effectiveness of the process (this means you are telling the story of HOW you did these things!) you used to kick off your HIP implementation, including TWO detailed examples of EACH of the following components:

A1: Organizing the project team: How did you gather the team for team meetings and keep them organized?  Then, how did you manage the project team as they went about the HIP implementation tasks?  Remember:  you need TWO examples (A1a, A1b) of how you kept the team on course!

A2: Building an alliance of supporters: How did you build allies during implementation?  Did you find project champions in the staff or supervisory staff or the administration?  Did you reach out to other departments to assist and support the staff or team as the implementation of the project unfolded?  Again…you will need TWO examples of how you built your “alliance of supporters”.

A3: Holding the Kick-Off meeting: How did the Kick-off meeting go?  Did it go according to your agenda?  Or did you need to make changes.  How did you use effective communication and relationship building to make the Kickoff meeting successful? Give the reader TWO examples here about how YOU managed the Kickoff meeting!

A4: Reviewing the timelines, goals, deliverables, and milestones with the team: This is why you developed your Gantt chart for review at all of the team meetings! Did you need to update your Gantt or change a date or task that’s on it?  Did you and your team make all of the deliverable deadlines and did your implementation activities go as planned?

B:  Analyze the implementation of your communication plan, including any modifications you made to the original communication plan during the implementation phase.

Here, discuss how the communication plan worked…did it go as planned or did you make modifications?  If you made modifications, why were they necessary and what did you change?  If you didn’t make any modifications, be sure to note that and give a description of the communication plan in action.

C:  Describe the following elements of your training plan for staff who participated in the HIP implementation: (Be sure to check out Unit 3 (beginning on pg. 23) on facilitating and evaluating implementation training! And remember…you have already completed this training and implementation, so be sure to write it in the past tense!)

C1:  Key Topics:  describe the objectives of the training plan…what specific topics did the training cover?

C2: Training method:  Describe the training method you or the educator used to teach that information.  Include any handouts or “aids” (like posters or badge buddies) that were given to the staff to help them remember the training concepts.

C3:  Training Schedule:  Be sure to describe your invitation (to the training) and the agenda for the training session. Provide a description about when and where the training was provided…. how did you make sure that all the staff who needed the training got it?

C4:  Training outcomes:  Describe you evaluated if the training was effective!  Did you ask for a return demonstration or have a training evaluation form or a “test” of some sort?

D:  Analyze your training plan implementation, including any modifications you made to the original training plan during the implementation phase:  Be sure to analyze the training plan…how did it go?  Did the staff receive the education they needed to effectively implement the practice change you recommended?  How did the staff respond to the training?  Did you need to make any changes to the plan?  Did you need to add training sessions…or extend the time of the training so that it was effective?  If you didn’t need to make any changes, be sure to note that and provide a description of how the training went!

E:  Explain how you tested the project implementation workflow, including any modifications that you needed to make during the implementation phase.  Did you test the implementation flow with the training staff, or did you use the first run-through day to test and evaluate the implementation process and workflow?  Did you make any changes to the workflow based on that test?  If you did, explain why the change was needed and how you decided to make each specific change…and then discuss how the new workflow functioned. If you didn’t, bring the evaluator into that training or first day…

F:  Explain how you used your project implementation journal to manage your HIP implementation – including two detailed examples to support your explanation.  Review your implementation journal and tell the evaluator a story about two ways you used it to manage your implementation phase.  The task directions specifically ask for a DETAILED example…so be sure to provide a robust narrative!

G:  Evaluate the effectiveness of how you managed your HIP implementation, including TWO detailed examples of each of the following components (note that “detailed” examples requirement…this should also be a robust and descriptive narrative!)

G1:  managing the project in stages:  How did you use your Gantt, communication plan, and RACI to help you manage the implementation in “bites” …how did you keep the project to it’s timeline and its budget? Remember to provide TWO DETAILED (G1a, G1b) examples of how your milestones helped you keep on track!

G2:  Identifying and removing barriers:  Revisit your Force Field Analysis…did that plan for how you’d address those negative forces need to be used?  Provide two DETAILED (G2a, G2b) examples of this!

G3:  Using the Rapid Cycle Improvement modification as needed:  Most projects don’t roll out exactly as planned…you likely used a Rapid Cycle Improvement method when you were in danger of not meeting your KPI’s, when you weren’t able to reach a timeline, were over or under your budget, or when something went wrong.  One of the most well-known rapid cycle improvement modification is the Plan Do Study Act cycle (but there are others you can use if you want to…just Google them!) Basically, you want to describe what you did when the implementation plan didn’t go as planned.  Did you close up shop and cut your losses (no, of course not) … you re-evaluated what went wrong…hit the research to identify new best practices that might help to meet the KPI or deadline, and pushed ON (otherwise known as the rapid cycle improvement plan!)  Remember, you need to provide two DETAILED (G3a, G3b) examples of this!

Here’s a little bit more information about the Rapid Cycle Improvement Strategy!  As we discussed, though…use it, you need to “bake in” your Outcome, Process, and Structural KPI checks early and periodically throughout your implementation plan!  Remember…you can’t “course correct” if you don’t check early and check often!

How do I use a rapid-cycle improvement strategy?

The Basics

Rapid-cycle improvement is a “quality improvement method that identifies, implements and measures changes made to improve a process or a system.”1 Rapid-cycle improvement implies that changes are made and tested over periods of three or months or less, rather than the standard eight to twelve months.

Why It Matters

Rapid-cycle improvement is an important part of electronic health record (EHR) implementation because it enables your practice/hospital/health center to continually improve how you use EHR technology. In addition to helping your practice/hospital/health centers overcome any staff resistance to workflow and workforce changes, continually implementing improvements will enable you to better serve your patients, achieve your business goals, realize the benefits of EHRs, and improve quality.


One commonly used rapid-cycle improvement strategy is the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle. The PDSA cycle is a four-stage rapid-cycle quality improvement strategy.

  1. Plan:Identify an opportunity to improve and plan a change or test of how something works.
  2. Do:Carry out the plan on a small number of patients. The test period may be as short as one day for small PDSA cycles.
  3. Study:Examine the results. Did you achieve your goals?
  4. Act:Use your results to make a decision, incorporate changes into your workflow, and establish future quality improvement plans.23

For More Information

For more information about rapid-cycle improvement and alternative quality improvement strategies, see the following resources.

  1. Health Resources and Services Administration
  2. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
  3. Institute for Healthcare Improvement
  4. National Quality Forum
  5. Department of Community and Family Medicine, Duke University Medical Center


  1. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. “Glossary of Health Care Quality Terms.”
  2. Health Resources and Services Administration. “What is Quality Improvement?
  3. Department of Community and Family Medicine, Duke University Medical Center. “PDSA.”


G4:  Adjusting the Gantt chart as tasks or timelines changed:  when changes needed to be made, did you do it yourself (using your own knowledge and position as the Project Manager) or did you bring the team together to inform them of the needed changes and get consensus on the changes needed.  Remember, you need to provide two DETAILED (G4a, G4b) examples of this!

H:  Evaluate the effectiveness of how you monitored your HIP implementation, including TWO detailed examples of each of the following components:

H1: Monitoring and supporting the staff assisting with implementation:  How did you support your team during the implementation period?  Remember in D157 you had to discuss evidence based recommendations to provide a healthy work environment and healthy work-life balance, you could use these as an example of support.  and monitored the implementation phase with your Gantt chart…and, like any manager, I hope you made yourself available to the staff if they needed support (perhaps by phone, your presence, or emails)! Be sure to provide TWO detailed examples (H1a and H1b) of how you monitored and assisted your staff!

H2: Monitoring the project schedule: In D158, you designed your Action Plan and Gantt chart.  Be sure to discuss how you used the review of your Gantt chart in your team meetings during the implementation phase to keep the project on schedule.  Again, be sure to provide TWO detailed examples (H2a and H2b) of how you monitored your timeline!Healthcare Improvement Project Planning Research Paper

H3: Monitoring the project budget: In D157, you discussed how you would be monitoring the budget for variances with weekly checks… provide TWO detailed examples (H3a and H3b) of how you monitored your budget!

I:  Describe how you used your routinely scheduled meetings with the internal and external stakeholders to report the status of the implementation phase:  Likely, you’ve had a planning meeting and will have a closure meeting with your stakeholders.  Did you schedule any progress meetings with your stakeholders for an interim check?  If not, you may want to do this at least once during your implementation phase.  THEN, how did you provide a project status report to them?  Remember, you have an “example” of your project progress report you developed in D159. Describe what information is on there and how having that standardization in place helped you give a good, inclusive overview of your project through its KPI’s and milestones.

J:  Explain how you aligned the project status with the following components:

J1:  Organizational guidelines: In D156, you justified the project by bringing in a regulatory or compliance issue that would support your project…in D158, you did a policy review to identify how your organization’s existing policy’s might impact your project and described how the project would benefit the organization’s target population.  Consider the organizations mission and value statements…With all of that in mind, present the reader with an explanation of how you aligned the project with organizational guidelines!

J2: improvement science and methods:  You developed KPI’s for the project and just wrote about how you used a rapid-cycle improvement process when those KPI’s were in danger of not being met…revisit that discussion here!

J3: Evidence-based guidelines: You used the evidence in D156 task 2 to identify and recommend the best practice recommendation that you are implementing with this project. Provide a description of that!

As always, the evaluators will be very mindful of professional communication standards and APA formatting…before you submit your D160 paper, be sure to proofread it and that it’s in APA format with consistent fonts and double spacing!


Prepare an agenda and meet with stakeholders and organizational approvers to ensure they are supportive of implementing the HIP.  After obtaining their approval to move forward with the project, conduct a kickoff meeting with key stakeholders to introduce the project team, explain the project background and timeline, identify what needs to be done, and reach a consensus on how to work together effectively by clarifying roles and responsibilities for the implementation. Determine whether training is needed to implement the HIP. If training is needed, develop training strategies and ways to deliver and measure training effectiveness. Collaboratively create a communication plan for the project implementation to keep stakeholders informed.

For the agenda…they mean the actual agenda (with times, dates, and subject).  Remember, your agenda needs to include the following components:

  • project background
  • timeline
  • action items
  • role clarification
  • responsibilities of the project team

Be sure your Kickoff agenda from the CPE’s cover ALL of these things.

Be sure to check your Gantt Chart and Scope Statement from D158.  Your stakeholder roles/responsibilities and your RACI can help with your roles and responsibilities. Here’s an example of an D160 agenda from a student who has already graduated…perhaps it will help you design yours!


Kick-Off Meeting Agenda

Cardiac Surgery QI Project

Kick-Off Team Meeting


Date: April 18, 2022   Time: 3:00 pm     Location: OR Conference Room

Meeting Goals / Purposes / Objectives

  1. Ensure stakeholders/team members understand the HIP project
  2. Validate project plan, goals/objectives/importance of HIP in the organization.
  3. Set HIP expectations, explain guidelines, organize timelines and introduce project sponsors, key stakeholders, and other project members.

Prework Preparation:

  1. Final agenda and distribution of printed materials/meeting invites through outlook email/outlook calendar of expected attendees 5 days prior to the kick-off meeting.
  2. HIP project power point presentation.
  3. EPIC database prior to HIP implementation, updated RACI chart/ GANTT Chart, and copies of scholarly literatures supporting HIP for distribution to attendees (as needed).


Time Topic/ Briefing Facilitator
3:00 pm

5 min

Welcome/Introduction (moderator, project sponsors (short speech), key stakeholders, and project members) HIP Project Nurse Lead
3:05 pm

5 min

HIP Project Background, Goals and Objectives


HIP Project Nurse Lead
3:10 pm

5 min

HIP Project Scope Statement/Scholarly Literatures Supporting the project Surgeon Champion
3:15 pm

5 min

HIP Budget/Organizational Policy and Procedure Change Perioperative Nurse Manager
3:20 pm

10 min

Project deliverables and due dates (RACI and GANTT Chart, M. Excel Spreadsheet for Project Monitoring and Evaluation/Closure) HIP Project Nurse Lead/Epic Nurse Coordinator
3:30 pm

5 min

Review of roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder/team member HIP Project Nurse Lead
3:35 pm

5 min

Assumption/constraints (HIP alignment to IHI triple/quadruple aim, target population, COVID pandemic, budget constraints, possible hurdles in supply chain management related to HIP, staff engagement/education) HIP Project Nurse Lead
3:40 pm

5 min

Next Steps (finalize decisions, work plans/risk management plan/project dependencies, milestones, communication plan, and key issues)


HIP Project Nurse Lead

5 min

Review of New Action Items/Needed Resources (resource management-availability of IPADS, skin prep kits, patient preop instructions/pamphlets) HIP Project Nurse Lead
3:50 pm

5 min

Next Meeting Purpose and Agenda Items

(Project monitoring/evaluation, PDSA items, gap analysis reports/key issues, KPIs results/key success factors) and status meetings schedule

HIP Project Nurse Lead
3:55 pm

5 min

Question-and-Answer session HIP Project Nurse Lead

In this field experience course, you will apply the knowledge and skills you developed in previous courses toward the successful implementation of your healthcare improvement project (HIP). This phase puts into action all the components of project management that you planned and developed while collaboratively working with key stakeholders to establish the need and feasibility of the HIP, strategically analyzing the organizational readiness for change, and planning the implementation and evaluation phases. At the beginning of the project implementation, you will implement the training and communication plans for staff, managers, and leaders that were developed in previous courses. You will also experience managing the implementation process by applying organizational standards and practices. You will demonstrate strong leadership skills when meeting with stakeholders to report the status of the implementation phase and collaboratively problem-solve risks.


This task requires the submission of your entire HIP paper template, including the “Healthcare Improvement Project Implementation and Control” section of your HIP paper, which you will be developing in this performance assessment and consists of the following subsections:

• “Pre-Implementation Field Experience”

• “Implementation and Control Field Experience”

No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Complete the “Healthcare Improvement Project Implementation and Control Plan (Field Experience)” section of your healthcare improvement project (HIP) paper by doing the following: Healthcare Improvement Project Planning Research Paper  

Pre-Implementation Field Experience

A. Evaluate the effectiveness of the process you used to kick off your HIP implementation, including two detailed examples of each of the following components:

• organizing the project team

• building an alliance of supporters

• holding the kick-off meeting

• reviewing the timelines, goals, deliverables, and milestones with the team

B. Analyze the implementation of your communication plan, including any modifications you made to the original communication plan during the implementation phase.

C. Describe the following elements of the training plan for staff who participated in the HIP implementation:

• key topics

• training method

• training schedule

• training outcomes (e.g., evaluations, test scores)

D. Analyze your training plan implementation, including any modifications you made to the original training plan during the implementation phase.

E. Explain how you tested the project implementation workflow, including any modifications that you needed to make during the implementation phase.

Implementation and Control Field Experience

F. Explain how you used your project implementation journal to manage your HIP implementation, including two detailed examples to support your explanation.

G. Evaluate the effectiveness of how you managed your HIP implementation, including two detailed examples of each of the following components:

• managing the project in stages

• identifying and removing barriers

• using rapid cycle improvement modification, if needed

• adjusting the Gantt chart as tasks or timelines changed

H. Evaluate the effectiveness of how you monitored your HIP implementation, including two detailed examples of each of the following components:

• monitoring and supporting the staff assisting with implementation

• monitoring the project schedule

• monitoring the project budget

I. Describe how you used your routinely scheduled meetings with internal and external stakeholders to report the status of the implementation phase.

J. Explain how you aligned the project status with the following components:

• organizational guidelines

• improvement science and methods

• evidence-based guidelines

K. Incorporate the following components of APA style and formatting into your HIP paper:

• bias-free language

• objectivity, credibility of sources, and evidence-based approach

• APA-specific rules regarding verb tense, voice, and perspective

• a title page and headers

• APA-specific formatting rules for in-text citations and references, margins, spacing, numbering, and indentation for the title page, main body, and appendices of your HIP paper, including headers, bulleted and numbered lists, tables, and figures

L. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.


An evaluation of the effectiveness of the kick-off process for the HIP implementation is not provided.


The evaluation of the effectiveness of the kick-off process for the HIP implementation is illogical, or the evaluation is not supported with 2 detailed examples for each of the given components. Or 1 or more of the examples are not appropriate or effective for kicking off a HIP implementation.


The evaluation of the effectiveness of the kick-off process for the HIP implementation is logical and is supported with 2 detailed examples for each of the given components. Each example is appropriate and effective for kicking off a HIP implementation.


An analysis of the communication plan implementation is not provided.


The analysis of the communication plan implementation is illogical or implausible. Or, if modifications were made, then 1 or more of the modifications to the communication plan are not relevant or not appropriate for a HIP implementation.


The analysis of the communication plan implementation is logical and plausible. If modifications were made, then all modifications to the communication plan are relevant and appropriate for a HIP implementation.


A description of a training plan for staff who participated in the HIP implementation is not provided.


The description of a training plan for staff who participated in the HIP implementation is not logical, not appropriate for training implementation staff, or does not include 1 or more of the given elements.


The description of a training plan for staff who participated in the HIP implementation is logical, appropriate for training implementation staff, and includes all of the given elements.


An analysis of the training plan implementation is not provided.


The analysis of the training plan implementation is illogical or implausible. Or, if modifications were made, then 1 or more of the modifications to the training plan are not relevant or not appropriate for a HIP implementation.


The analysis of the training plan implementation is logical and plausible. If modifications were made, then all modifications to the training plan are relevant and appropriate for a HIP implementation.


An explanation of how the project implementation workflow was tested is not provided.


The explanation of how the project implementation workflow was tested is illogical. Or, if workflow modifications were made, then 1 or more of the workflow modifications that were made are not logical or not appropriate for the HIP.


The explanation of how the project implementation workflow was tested is logical. If workflow modifications were made, then all the workflow modifications that were made are logical and appropriate for the HIP.


An explanation for how the project implementation journal was used to manage project implementation is not provided.


The explanation for how the project implementation journal was used to manage project implementation is illogical or does not include 2 detailed examples. Or 1 or both of the examples are not relevant or not appropriate for using a project implementation journal to effectively manage a HIP implementation.


The explanation for how the project implementation journal was used to manage project implementation is logical, and it includes 2 detailed examples. Both examples are relevant and appropriate for using a project implementation journal to effectively manage a HIP implementation.


An evaluation of how the HIP implementation was effectively managed is not provided.


The evaluation of how the HIP implementation was effectively managed is illogical or is not supported with 2 detailed examples for each of the given components, including the third component if modifications were needed. Or at least 1 of the examples is not appropriate or is ineffective for managing a HIP implementation.


The evaluation of how the HIP implementation was effectively managed is logical and is supported with 2 detailed examples for each of the given components, including the third component if modifications were needed. Each example is appropriate and effective for managing a HIP implementation.


An evaluation of how HIP implementation was effectively monitored is not provided.


The evaluation of how the HIP implementation was effectively monitored is illogical or is not supported with 2 detailed examples for each of the given components. Or at least 1 example is not appropriate or not effective for the monitoring of a HIP implementation.


The evaluation of how the HIP implementation was effectively monitored is logical and is supported with 2 detailed examples for each of the given components. Each example is appropriate and effective for the monitoring of a HIP implementation.


A description of how routinely scheduled meetings with internal and external stakeholders were used to report the status of the implementation phase is not provided.


The description of how routinely scheduled meetings with internal and external stakeholders were used to report the status of the implementation phase is illogical or not appropriate.


The description of how routinely scheduled meetings with internal and external stakeholders were used to report the status of the implementation phase is logical and appropriate.


An explanation of how the project status was aligned with the given components is not provided.


The explanation does not address how the project status was aligned with 1 or more of the given components. Or the explanation of how the project aligned with the project status is not logical for 1 or more of the components Healthcare Improvement Project Planning Research Paper.


The explanation addresses how the project status was aligned with all the given components, and the explanation is logical for each component.


The submission does not incorporate the given APA style and format components as described in the current APA manual.


The submission does not accurately or consistently incorporate 1 or more of the given APA style and format components as described in the current APA manual.


The submission accurately and consistently incorporates all of the given APA style and format components as described in the current APA manual.


Content is unstructured, is disjointed, or contains pervasive errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar. Vocabulary or tone is unprofessional or distracts from the topic.


Content is poorly organized, is difficult to follow, or contains errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar that cause confusion. Terminology is misused or ineffective.


Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding.


Keep a journal of activities completed during the project implementation in your e-portfolio and use this journal to monitor the implementation of your HIP. Complete a reflection summary every time you are on-site. Include the date, the time spent on-site, and what you did there Healthcare Improvement Project Planning Research Paper.