Servant Leadership And The Christian Worldview Essay Paper

Servant Leadership And The Christian Worldview Essay Paper

Servant Leadership and the Christian Worldview

Effective leadership plays an integral role in driving an organization towards the set goals and objectives as well as shaping an organization’s culture and ability to tackle challenges faced in service delivery. Healthcare organizations have become dependent on leaders’ and managers’ ability to drive the workforce to their best performance possible (Sfantou et al., 2017). Influential nurse leaders are regarded for their ability to positively impact patient experience, employee performance, and quality of care delivered. Some of the best have been known to focus on workers’ efficiency and proficiency while giving their mentorship. Becoming an effective leader is not easy, as nurse leaders must have a high knowledge and expertise Servant Leadership And The Christian Worldview Essay Paper.


According to Jahandar et al. (2017), healthcare leaders must work in a dynamic field driven by focus to deliver efficiency, quality, and safe care. In order to succeed, nurse leaders must lead the administrative and clinical teams and manage resources effectively. With the healthcare industry being defined by changing regulations, changes involving clinical and technological advancements, increasing concern on ethics, and calls for cost control, nurse leaders are constantly being required to innovate and adapt their leadership styles to find solutions to challenges affecting nursing practice today. Different leaders utilize different leadership styles today, which offer diverse or dynamic approaches to healthcare setting motivate and relate with those they lead. This paper provides a detailed leadership model, with Part A offering a comparison between common leadership styles with mine and Part B providing a personal worldview and how my professional behavior inspires others.

Part A: Model of Leadership

My Model of Leadership

My leadership model can be defined as hybrid as it is an integration of different leadership styles. These include transformational, democratic, servant, and situational leadership styles. According to Therady (2022), healthcare is an ever-changing field with leaders and managers required to adapt easily according to the demands or situation at hand. Dynamic leaders are regarded as best fitted to work in the healthcare sector not only to influence others but also balance between care deliveries effectively, and deliver quality patient needs. On the other hand, by dynamic or flexible in terms of leadership approach instills leaders with exceptional nurse leader qualities such as integrity, communication, critical thinking, and professionalism.

As an integrated-styled leader, I can say my approach is direct and leading via an example. Not only do I enjoy delegating tasks, but also taking the lead on projects and giving an example to others. More, I also like to stay involved with the work at hand to motivate my team and to understand the challenges through writing on experience. Being an all-round leader fosters easy adjustment in accordance to demands or situations present and more accessible in adopting, managing, and implementing change. Drawing from the different leadership styles, the situational instills an element of flexibility and ability as a leader to change according to the employee, organization,, or patient needs. The situational approach helps one remain adaptable in cases of change and work well in pressured situations as it allows one to adapt to the demands easily.

On the other hand, the servant approach fostering an understanding and focus on meeting individual needs. This approach enables me a leader,, to fully take control of the employee in terms of skills, tools,, and resources in goal achieving. As a servant,,, I focus on ensuring employees are provided with the best environment to develop an improvement in their different positions.

In addition to servant and situational, my integrated approach also utilizes democratic facets in the aspect that I encourage feedback, team communication, and involvement hence fostering employees’ personal and professional growth. The democratic system has enabled me as a leader to effectively develop strong team work spirit which is critical elements of an improved quality coordination and process in care delivery. Finally there are transformation leadership aspects which not only great for team building, but also effective in mentoring, building trust, confidence and teamwork which are key identities of a strong and effective nursing team. The transformational approach works superbly well in cases where improvement is needed hence an important foundation for a successful leadership, team-building, and change management.

My Personal Leadership Model Compared to Other Models

My integrated leadership approach has provided a rich foundation and learning on how to plan and adapt to organizational changes. Compared to transformational leaders, the integrated model offers a more significant daily decision-making, enabling high team morale. According to Udumka (2021), one downside related to transformational leadership is that it is less effective in organizations where daily decisions are supposed to be made. The adoption of the integrated model enables the leader to address the weaknesses of the other leadership approaches through adopting other practices; for example, servant leadership approach is linked with the inability to address individual needs in the expense teams’ well-being. Adopting the integrated models allows the leader to strike a balance between the employees’ teamwork and personal development. This is successful by adopting the transformation and democratic leadership approaches which allow for team building and empowering the employees Servant Leadership And The Christian Worldview Essay Paper.

How My Leadership Approach Prepares Me to Employ Strategies for Effectively Leading Diverse Teams and Fostering Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Teamwork and interdisciplinary collaboration have become critical practices in the healthcare sector, which has shifted from individual player to teamwork to influence or meet patient needs positively. An effective leader is deemed as one who is able to foster cooperation and positive collaboration among different healthcare professionals working in the care delivery setting (Mcquade et al., 2021). My leadership approach provides an integral foundation for being a flexible leader. These aspects have not only positively enabled more straightforward adaptation to different situations within the healthcare organization but also learning to adapt. Diversity in healthcare is evident not only among the patients served but also regarding workers’ input, qualification, education level, and role in the care delivery setup. My leadership model prepares me to adapt, recognize and welcome other workers’ input into the team, be open to innovation, be more resilient to understand and motivate employees by addressing their diverse needs and be able to accommodate new hires into the organization.

In promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, the integrated leadership models helps by providing a rich platform for employee’s social interaction, recognizing and rewarding excellent employee performance, and identifying team-building activities. These practices helps in building a positive and supportive healthcare workplace environment which in turn encourages open communication and sharing of knowledge and resources hence development of a team driven by desire to delivery top quality, meet patient goals as they become better team players. Finally, the integrated leadership model helps in striking a balance between available resources, workplace demands and patient needs, hence fostering  development of an effective organizational culture which is not only driven by desire to meet patient needs, but also care for each other and the organization well-being.

Part B: Personal Worldview

Personal worldview and its facets are critical in nursing as it allows one to coin and establish a personal nursing practice philosophy. According to Murphy et al. (2020), personal word views are identified by aspects that guide an individual’s life choices. These perspectives are critical in helping to understand his life and the world and perception of reality. Finally, a worldview shows an individual’s ethical and moral beliefs, defining why he makes confident choices. Different elements can provide a foundation for one’s worldview. These include; cultural, religious, and spiritual, which an individual can base their response to challenges in life.

My personal worldview is built on a Christian foundation. Nursing is a calling to serve people; hence, nurses should dedicate their time to serving people and the community by addressing their care needs. Nursing is the science and art of delivering healing and people’s well-being that might be in pain and suffering from diverse illnesses. More so, nursing depends on applying one’s training and acquired knowledge and skills to make others feel better and relieve suffering from the disease. According to Udumka (2021), nurses should demonstrate and be motivated to enhance sick people and entire communities’ quality of life as the nursing practice is about being there for others, unselfishness, and having an inborn drive to make others’ life’s better. Driven by the religious foundation on serving others, my nursing philosophy is based on the need to provide holistic care and address basic nursing concepts, namely health, nursing, individual/patient, and the organization setting or environment.


My worldview and philosophy will remain integral elements in developing my leadership model. By identifying the critical facets in nursing care as the patient, the environment, care providers or human resources, and the process, the worldview helps me understand the actions or ways to meet the nursing care needs of individuals and the community I serve. Additionally, the view would foster the need to establish a balance between healthcare professionals and organizational and patient needs. Towards leadership, my worldview and personal philosophy have influenced my desire to remain effective to the patients and promote the employees by meeting their needs. This has led to the need to balance the care delivery process, organizational dynamics, patient needs, and workers’ ability to work together for a common goal of positively influencing patients’ healthcare experience. The model entails respect for human life, hence focusing on diverse ways to positively restore it to its best level or experience for the patients. My philosophy and worldview will help me develop my leadership and nursing practice in diverse ways. One is that they will help engage in ethical research to establish methods or techniques that will lead to efficient and safe care, not forgetting to promote care practices that adhere to patient rights and needs.

How do My Professional leadership behaviors inspire others

Leaders are required to not only foster workers to perform their tasks but also inspire them to more excellent performance of both the workers and the organization, managing resources and the human resources (Therady, 2022). Driven by the desire to deliver the best in terms of patient experience and workplace atmosphere for successful teamwork and collaboration, my behaviors will include integrity, inclusion, and sensitivity to patient needs and inspire employees to act the same way. In addition to valuing other people’s ideas and input to the care delivery process, I will also foster self-development and reward to inspire them to perform better in quality output.


Jahandar, P., Zagheri Tafreshi, M., Rassouli, M., Atashzadeh-Shoorideh, F., & Kavousi, A. (2017). Nurses’ perspective on spiritual leadership: A qualitative study based on Fry’s spiritual leadership model. Electronic Physician, 9(11), 5721–5731. Servant Leadership And The Christian Worldview Essay Paper

Mcquade, K. E., Harrison, C., & Tarbert, H. (2021). Systematically reviewing servant leadership. European Business Review, 33(3), 465-490.

Murphy, C., Campbell, E., Boland, P., & Sick, B. (2020). The leadership baseline: Assessing servant leadership and leadership self-efficacy in first-year health professions students. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 20, 100354.

Sfantou, D., Laliotis, A., Patelarou, A., Sifaki- Pistolla, D., Matalliotakis, M., & Patelarou, E. (2017). Importance of Leadership Style towards Quality of Care Measures in Healthcare Settings: A Systematic Review. Healthcare, 5(4), 73.

Therady, A. M. (2022). A leadership lesson learned: Employees come first. Journal of Healthcare Management, 67(2), 71-74.

Udumka, K. (2021). How community mental health centers integrate primary care: A qualitative descriptive study (Order No. 28768642). Available from Publicly Available Content Database. (2586987896).

Servant Leadership And The Christian Worldview 

Benchmark – Personal Worldview Paper

Assessment Description

As a nurse leader, it is important to understand a variety of leadership models and styles. This will help you adapt to different settings and apply strategies to support and inspire others. It may also be necessary to apply models in different professional settings to satisfy certification requirements. Write a 1,250-1,500 word paper about your personal model of leadership, including the following:

Model of Leadership: Part A

– Describe your personal model of leadership.

– Compare your personal leadership model to servant leadership, transformational leadership, and at least one other model of leadership.

– How does your personal model of leadership prepare you to employ strategies for effectively leading diverse teams and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration as you implement your leadership project?

Personal Worldview: Part B

– Describe your personal worldview. Include the religious, spiritual, and cultural elements that you think most influence your personal philosophy of practice and attitude towards leadership.

– Describe how your professional leadership behaviors inspire others.

Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources (published within the last 5 years) as evidence to support your views.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance Servant Leadership And The Christian Worldview Essay Paper.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

MSN Leadership in Health Care Systems

6.3: Employ strategies for effectively leading diverse teams and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration.

6.7: Model professional leadership behaviors to motivate and inspire others Servant Leadership And The Christian Worldview Essay Paper.