Patient Concerns In Clinical Decision Making Essay Discussion

Patient Concerns In Clinical Decision Making Essay Discussion

Patient Concerns in Clinical Decision Making

Diana, a 36-year-old pregnant woman in her third trimester, was accompanied to our hospital by her husband James. James stated that for the last three months after the loss of her mother, Diana has been sad and withdrawn. She rarely eats and has consequently lost weight. She was diagnosed with depression and put under antidepressants. However, Diana declined to take antidepressants citing that the drugs will make her lose her pregnancy. On further consultation with Diana and James, Diana was put under cognitive behavioral therapy. Assessment after a four-week therapy showed that Diana had significantly improved and was out of danger. After six weeks of therapy, Diana was well and back to her normal mood and duties. Incorporating patient preferences helps in making the best decisions that achieve the best patient outcomes (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018).  Incorporating patient preferences in the treatment plan, the cognitive behavioral therapy in this case, positively impacted the trajectory of the patient’s situation Patient Concerns In Clinical Decision Making Essay Discussion.


The patient decision aid I selected is Breast Cancer: Should I Have Breast-Conserving Surgery or a Mastectomy? (Healthwise, 2022). The chance of cancer coming back in the same breast is slightly higher in breast-conserving surgery such as lumpectomy than in mastectomy where the whole breast is removed (Healthwise, 2022). Although mastectomy is perceived to be slightly effective in breast cancer management, women living with one breast after mastectomy experience low self-esteem, mental health issues, and disruption and limitation of the normal women’s roles and activities (Sukartini & Sari, 2021). This patient decision aid helps the provider and the patient to make the best decision regarding the best and most effective breast cancer treatment with lower risk and higher benefits to the patient. In my professional practice, this decision aid inventory will help me to incorporate patient preference with clinical expertise and evidence-based practice to select the best treatment or care that will achieve the best patient outcome.

To Prepare:

Review the Resources and reflect on a time when you experienced a patient being brought into (or not being brought into) a decision regarding their treatment plan.
Review the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute’s Decision Aids Inventory at
Choose “For Specific Conditions,” then Browse an alphabetical listing of decision aids by health topic.
NOTE: To ensure compliance with HIPAA rules, please DO NOT use the patient’s real name or any information that might identify the patient or organization/practice.
By Day 3 of Week 11 Patient Concerns In Clinical Decision Making Essay Discussion
Post a brief description of the situation you experienced and explain how incorporating or not incorporating patient preferences and values impacted the outcome of their treatment plan. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain how including patient preferences and values might impact the trajectory of the situation and how these were reflected in the treatment plan. Finally, explain the value of the patient decision aid you selected and how it might contribute to effective decision making, both in general and in the experience you described. Describe how you might use this decision aid inventory in your professional practice or personal life.


Healthwise. (2022, 2). Patient decision aids – Ottawa hospital research institute. Retrieved July 29, 2022, from

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Sukartini, T., & Permata Sari, Y. I. (2021). Women with breast cancer living with one breast after a mastectomy. Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery12(2), 366-375. Patient Concerns In Clinical Decision Making Essay Discussion