A Training Session For General Safety Guidelines For Operating And Pre-Shifting A Large Rock Truck Essay

A Training Session For General Safety Guidelines For Operating And Pre-Shifting A Large Rock Truck Essay

A Training Session for General Safety Guidelines for operating and Pre-Shifting a Large Rock Truck

Training design plays a significant role in guiding a facilitator during a training session. It indicates critical areas that should be covered during the training and the time allocated to each session. This paper reviews the training design for a training session for general safety guidelines for operating and pre-shifting a large rock truck A Training Session For General Safety Guidelines For Operating And Pre-Shifting A Large Rock Truck Essay.


The training design for the session meets all significant aspects of an effective training session based on the Gagne-Briggs model. First, its introduction was effective since it provided details about what the training session is all about. Secondly, the training design was appropriate since it helped to establish the session. Furthermore, the design provided an overview of the topic and a training session for general safety guidelines for operating and pre-shifting a large rock truck. The training design motivated the learners to learn since it covered all the critical areas of the topic of study. The design also captured the trainees’ attention since it was well-presented and attractive. In addition to the introduction, the design’s organization effectively aligned with the Gagne-Briggs model. The organization was clear, appropriate, and logical based on the content. Secondly, the training method utilized during the session supported interactions between the teachers and the learners, resulting in positive learning outcomes (Bonnes & Hochholdinger, 2020). The methods used during the training sessions supported the engagement of the trainees, allowing them to ask questions and seek clarifications. Moreover, a variety of ways were used during the training, including reviewing journal articles and participating in discussion groups (Munna & Kalam, 2021). During the training session, there was an appropriate stimulus variation that triggered the learners to participate in the training session. This program was suitable for adult learners since it supported their participation during the training session.

Design a training session for your topic using the Gagne-Briggs model.
Note: You may not have all nine events in your training session. At a minimum, you must include:
Gain attention
Inform of goal
Present material
Elicit performance (some activity)
Provide feedback
Assess performance
If you do not have one of the nine events in your training session, justify why that event is not needed for your training session.
State which learning process is being affected for each step in your outline.
Perform a self-critique of your training design. Use the following criteria to evaluate your design.
Did it help establish the session?
Did it provide an overview of the topic?
Did it provide motivation to learn?
Did it catch the trainees’ attention?
Organization A Training Session For General Safety Guidelines For Operating And Pre-Shifting A Large Rock Truck Essay:
Was it clear, appropriate, and logical?
Training Methods:
Did the methods used invite involvement of the trainees?
Was there a variety of methods used?
Was there appropriate stimulus variation?
Was this appropriate for adult learners?
Write a 1-page paper that contains your response to each of the above questions and provide a rationale for your answers. If the answer is no, include a means of improving your design to address the concern. Format the paper according to General APA Guidelines (Links to an external site.). Attach your training design as an appendix to your paper.


Bonnes, C., & Hochholdinger, S. (2020). Approaches to teaching in professional training: a qualitative study. Vocations and Learning13(3), 459-477. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12186-020-09244-2

Munna, A. S., & Kalam, M. A. (2021). Teaching and learning process to enhance teaching effectiveness: a literature review. International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI)4(1), 1-4. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED610428.pdf A Training Session For General Safety Guidelines For Operating And Pre-Shifting A Large Rock Truck Essay