Interventions For A Patient In The Clinical Setting with A Mood Disorder Essay Paper

Interventions For A Patient In The Clinical Setting with A Mood Disorder Essay Paper

Interventions for a Patient in the Clinical Setting with a Mood Disorder

In my practice, I currently experienced a situation where a 50-year-old patient, who lost her husband two years ago visited the hospital with symptoms of sleep disorder, persistent grief and lack of interest to live (Gabriel et al., 2020). She was diagnosed with depression.  Treatment for her condition can either take a pharmacology approach, a psychological approach, or both. The first line of treatment recommended for the patients were selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), Tricyclic and Tetracyclic Antidepressants and Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors Interventions For A Patient In The Clinical Setting with A Mood Disorder Essay Paper.


An issue that the medication regime did not resolve was persistent grief. The drugs would help reduce anxiety and stress, but her grief over her husband’s death could not be resolved as she currently lives alone and has no one to support and share her feelings which could help deal with the grief.

The most effective medication that worked for the patient was selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) because they have fewer side effects and have the largest effect on reducing symptoms (Gabriel et al., 2020). The medication works by increasing the serotonin levels in the brain, which transmits signals between the brain nerve cells and neurons thus blocking the reuptake of serotonin that may trigger depression Interventions For A Patient In The Clinical Setting with A Mood Disorder Essay Paper.

Yes, I believe that the patient was kept safe. The primary aim of treatment is to improve health outcomes and prevent adverse health conditions that might occur due to treatment. Before drug administration, allergies and pre-existing conditions must be identified. The patient had no allergy or pre-existing condition from the patient interview. Thus SSRIs were prescribed as they have less severe or no side effects in patients which helps promote patient safety.


In this discussion, you’ll describe a patient with a mood disorder and the appropriate nursing interventions. Please answer the following questions in your initial posting:

Describe a client from your clinical setting or previous experience who experienced depression or mania. Include a brief history and 3-5 most pertinent medications.

Identify one problem that was not resolved with the treatment regimen. What are the reasons it may not have been successful? Include nursing as well as other team members.
Identify one effective nursing intervention and why you feel it worked.
Overall, do you feel this client was kept safe? Why or why not?
Please provide supporting evidence for your answers.


Gabriel, F., de Melo, D., Fráguas, R., Leite-Santos, N., Mantovani da Silva, R., & Ribeiro, E. (2020). Pharmacological treatment of depression: A systematic review comparing clinical practice guideline recommendations. PLOS ONE15(4), e0231700. Interventions For A Patient In The Clinical Setting with A Mood Disorder Essay Paper