Impact Of The New Educational Technology Essay

Impact Of The New Educational Technology Essay

Impact of the New Educational Technology

The changing healthcare needs of populations globally require healthcare systems to have highly skilled professionals with academic knowledge and clinical practice capabilities. Academic training, clinical practice and continuous professional development play a key role in producing healthcare practitioners that understand their roles and have confidence in delivering quality and safe care services (Kim & Yoo, 2022). Nursing education emphasizes the development of both clinical and academic skills. However, the unpredictable nature of the nursing environment necessitates nurses to undergo training and learn existing and new interventions applicable in practice. Evidence suggests that growth in professional expertise translates to the safety of both patients and nurses (Kim & Yoo, 2022). Consequently, healthcare organizations must develop training programs to continuously develop the skills of nurses and other practitioners. Unfortunately, the use of basic technologies such as e-learning programs only improve the theoretical knowledge of nurses Impact Of The New Educational Technology Essay.


Hence, the needs assessment activity led to the conclusion that Villa Healthcare Center requires new educational technology to meet nurses’ knowledge and skill demand. The proposed educational technology entails the installation of high-fidelity simulation mannequins in a simulation lab to improve the acquisition of professional competencies and enhance the overall quality of care. Satria, Putra & Kamil (2020) explain that providing nurses with opportunities to learn and practice their skills improves their performance and produces positive clinical outcomes. Simulation refers to the continuous efforts to achieve results that reflect actual clinical practice outcomes. The technology utilizes guided experiences that imitate real-life situations in a fully interactive way. The teaching method allows students or nurses to apply their professional knowledge and skills to certain case scenarios to strengthen their competencies in current or future roles (Koukourikos et al., 2021). The method also enables nurses to develop and exercise critical thinking in practice (Satria, Putra & Kamil, 2020). While different simulation technologies enhance the acquisition of nursing skills and knowledge, the organization needs to adapt high-fidelity mannequins due to their impact on nurse education. High-fidelity mannequins have features that resemble human anatomy and physiology. Full-body structures enhance the development of simple and complex nursing skills in different environmental settings. The body parts have similar characteristics to those of real-life bodies, allowing them to respond to interventions or actions nurses and learners perform. For instance, in a study performed by Satria, Putra & Kamil (2020), nurses demonstrated more efficiency in practice when using Sim Man 3G mannequins. The mannequins have integrated cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and vital sign monitors that show changes when an intervention is applied. Besides facilitating the development of psychomotor and critical thinking skills, high-fidelity mannequins allow nurses to define the conditions relating to a case and analyze respective patients’ reactions to interventions (Satria, Putra & Kamil (2020).

Impact of the New Technology on the Organization’s Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals

Villa Healthcare Center’s philosophy is to make people feel better. Its goal is never to settle for less concerning its services to staff members, guests, and families (Villa Healthcare Center, 2022). The management constantly pushes its boundaries concerning industry standards by striving to improve the quality and well-being of people by upholding high standards of care. Its ultimate focus is to deliver quality care and produce positive patient outcomes. The organization’s leadership has the vision to raise its care delivery services above the industry’s standards and shatter its old image. Villa Healthcare Center is committed to its people, the environment, and its clinical programs to enable it to fulfill its mission of bettering the lives of people. The values that guide its employees include passion and willingness to be part of something bigger (Villa Healthcare Center, 2022). High-fidelity mannequins enable the organization to achieve its mission, vision, goals, and values. The technologies provide high-quality training to healthcare professionals, including nurses (Kim & Yoo, 2022). The training enables the professionals to acquire improved skills and competencies that translate to quality healthcare services and improved patient outcomes. Kim & Yoo (2022) explain that there has been an increase in research regarding the use of HFPS to understand and treat chronic clinical condition scenarios over the years, an indication of the significance of simulation in nursing education. Nurses use simulation mannequins to manage high-risk situations such as respiratory and cardiovascular challenges in safe environments. This enables them to safely and confidently address similar cases in real life situations. Kim & Yoo (2022) further state that the use of HF simulation improves learner knowledge and performance.  Since competence refers to the attainment of excellent knowledge and performance capabilities, simulation-guided training increases nurses’ competence in clinical practice. Improved competence results in quality care services and positive patient outcomes. Additionally, high-fidelity mannequins have features that resemble real body systems to enhance the clinical skills of nurses and better the lives and well-being of populations (Satria, Putra & Kamil, 2020). The training outcomes align with the organization’s strategic goal to rise above the status quo in the industry Impact Of The New Educational Technology Essay.

Impact of the Proposed Technologies on the Organization

The proposed technology will have minimal impact on the organization’s daily operations. The technology will be installed in a separate room; hence, it will not interfere with the professional’s daily routine. However, installing the new technology will require the professionals to undergo training on how to use the software for the high-fidelity simulation technology (Koukourikos et al., 2021). The programs are designed with user-friendly interfaces, thus allowing nurses to utilize them easily. The school has a wide range of vendors for its educational technologies. It can collaborate with them to get the software (Benzinga, 2019). This will enable them to get a reliable vendor to train the organization’s IT team on using the new technology (Benzinga, 2019).

The technology will positively impact patient outcomes in the organization. Nurses practice simple and complex skills, make errors, and perfect their competencies during simulation-guided simulation. Hence, they can deliver quality and error-free care services to patients. Simulation also improves the critical thinking skills of nurses, enabling them to perform their roles effectively and improve patient health outcomes (Sofer, 2018). The impact will be measured by evaluating changes in readmission rates, hospital-acquired infections, and medication errors. The organization will grant specific nurses the duty to collect data regarding measurable outcomes. The use of electronic patient records will facilitate the data collection process. Furthermore, the nurses will survey patients and trained professionals to determine whether they have gained high-quality skills and competencies. If the technology does not achieve the intended outcomes, the organization will examine its deliverables to identify areas requiring adjustments to produce positive patient outcomes (Galas et al., 2018). Evaluation and monitoring help to identify improvement areas and adjust accordingly.

Role of the Educator in Implementing the Proposed Changes

Nurse educators play significant roles in the project implementation process. In addition to educating nurses, they also develop the training curricula, evaluate learner performance, evaluate and revise training programs, and oversea the clinical practice of learners. Therefore, they must understand and train nurses on how to use simulation technology. They will, therefore, undertake training at the early stages of the project development process to understand how to use the mannequins (Smiley, 2019). The educators will also perform program evaluations upon implementing the technology to determine whether they have achieved the desired outcomes. However, Van et al. (2018) assert that the educators may have negative attitudes towards the high fidelity simulation technology. They may feel uncomfortable, lack the motivation to use the technology, or feel anxious about the changing learner demands. Hence, they must change their perception and approach toward training following the integration of simulation technologies into the system. They must understand the need to develop the skill of teaching with technology. They should, therefore, become learners of the technology as they guide other nurses on how to use it (Van Vuuren, 2018).


How the Proposed Changes will be incorporated into the Design of Nursing Education Programs

Incorporation of the new technology into existing nursing education programs will occur on a step-wise basis. The initial stage will involve a pilot test to examine the effectiveness of the implementation process and determine whether the technology achieves the expected results. The project development team will select nurses from different units in the organization and train them on how to use the mannequins. They will experiment with a real intervention and translate their skills to a real-world situation. The ability of nurses to utilize the acquired skills and competencies in real-life scenarios demonstrates their mastery of the intervention. If the pilot test produces positive results, the organization can develop a policy to mandate its use in current and future education programs (Fraser et al., 2018). The policy should provide guidelines on how to integrate the new technology into current and future nursing programs.

In summary, integrating the new technology into the current education program will positively impact the organization. The technology influences the acquisition of advanced skills and knowledge in different areas of healthcare delivery. Nurses practice with new and existing interventions in an environment that causes no harm to patients (Koukourikos et al., 2021). The mannequins allow them to make errors and correct them as they perfect their skills. Developing improved competencies among nurses improves the quality of healthcare services and improves patient outcomes. The organization will experience reduced medication errors, readmission rates, and improved quality of life Impact Of The New Educational Technology Essay.


Benzinga. (2019). Villa healthcare uses technology to make people better. Wins bronze award for 2019 McKnight’s excellence in technology awards.

Fraser, J., Fahlman, D. W., Arscott, J., & Guillot, I. (2018). Pilot testing for feasibility in a study of student retention and attrition in online undergraduate programs. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning19(1).

Galas, A., Pilat, A., Leonardi, M., & Tobiasz-Adamczyk, B. (2018). Research Project Evaluation—Learnings from the PATHWAYS Project Experience. International journal of environmental research and public health15(6), 1071.

Kim, Y. J., & Yoo, J. H. (2022). Effects of Manikin Fidelity on Simulation-Based NursingEducation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Nursing Education61(2), 67-72.

Koukourikos, K., Tsaloglidou, A., Kourkouta, L., Papathanasiou, I. V., Iliadis, C., Fratzana, A., & Panagiotou, A. (2021). Simulation in Clinical Nursing Education. Acta Informatica Medica29(1), 15.

Satria, B., Putra, A., & Kamil, H. (2020). Effects of Using High Fidelity Mannequins on Skill and Knowledge of Nursing Students When Practicing Nebulizer Use. In Challenges in Nursing Education and Research (pp. 31-37). CRC Press.

Smiley, R. A. (2019). Survey of simulation use in prelicensure nursing programs: Changes and advancements, 2010–2017. Journal of Nursing Regulation9(4), 48-61.

Sofer, D. (2018). The value of simulation in nursing education. AJN The American Journal of Nursing118(4), 17-18. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000532063.79102.19

Van Vuuren, V. J., Seekoe, E., & Ter Goon, D. (2018). The perceptions of nurse educators regarding the use of high fidelity simulation in nursing education. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery20(1), 20-pages.

Villa Healthcare Center. (2022). About Villa.

Villa Healthcare Center. (2022). Our culture. https:// Impact Of The New Educational Technology Essay