Educational Technology Needs Assessment at Villa Health Essay

Educational Technology Needs Assessment at Villa Health Essay

Educational Technology Needs Assessment at Vila Health

Villa healthcare center aims to improve the overall health of populations. The organization provides quality health services to achieve better patient health outcomes. Its leadership visualizes a healthcare system that goes beyond the status quo to eliminate the old image of the healthcare industry and develop a more excellent system that is committed to advancing the wellbeing of the people. However, the organization can only achieve its goals if it can utilize educational technology to support nursing education or provide educational programs for nurses. The current needs assessment, therefore, examines the application of educational technology at Villa Healthcare Center. The healthcare setting for the present case study is a clinical facility where nurses undergo on-job training Educational Technology Needs Assessment at Villa Health Essay.


Current Utilization of Technology at Villa Healthcare Center

Villa Healthcare Center utilizes e-learning and remote communication technologies to facilitate the training of its professionals. Villa has a partnership with an online learning management system known as Relias. Through the partnership, the organization provides consistent training to its nurses in all its facilities. Through the system, the organization provides new hire training processes and yearly education programs to promote patient wellness and reduce the rate of hospital readmissions. Additionally, the organization has an application that facilitates information exchange between various healthcare professionals. Development of the application was influenced by the need to enable quick delivery of emails and other modes of communication to professionals. Consequently, it has enhanced the organization’s ability to exchange information and knowledge. However, the potential for the organization’s growth necessitates it to acquire process and compliance training systems for the healthcare professionals. Although the organization provides information about its training programs, there are few details about other technologies it uses to promote professional development. Therefore, the above description assumes that the two are the primary educational technologies that Villa Healthcare Center relies on to educate nurses across its facilities.

A Comparison of the Current State of Educational Technology with the Desired State of Educational Technology

Nurses in the healthcare facility must undergo continuous training to improve the delivery of healthcare services. Subsequently, the organization must implement advanced educational technologies to achieve this goal. The training entails knowledge acquisition and skill development in multiple areas of care delivery. Although the organization uses e-learning technology to deliver knowledge and train nurses in different skills, simulation forms the basis of professional development in the healthcare sector today. Simulation enables nurses to acquire practical skills and apply their knowledge to real-life situations without causing harm to real humans (Posner et al., 2017). The technology provides them with secure means of practicing their capabilities. Therefore, the state of educational technology that Villa Healthcare Center needs to have entails the presence of a simulation lab that high-fidelity HPSMs characterize. Integration of high-fidelity HPSMs into clinical practice and nurse training results in better learning outcomes than using low-fidelity simulation systems (McCoy et al., 2019). The section below shows the current state of educational technology at the organization. The analysis utilizes a SWOT analysis tool to identify the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities.


Learning culture.

The organization’s mission focuses on providing quality healthcare services.

Availability of technological infrastructure in the organization.

Partnership with technology-related organizations to provide training


No specific training site in the facility.

No simulation lab on the premises.

Insufficient knowledge among staff members regarding the new technology.


Reduced quality of healthcare services due to inadequate training.

Increased nurse turnover due to lack of professional development.


Provide nurses with interactive education Educational Technology Needs Assessment at Villa Health Essay.

The organization utilizes the current e-learning technology to ensure that nurses across its facilities have access to critical information relating to healthcare delivery. However, the e-learning technology is insufficient to develop practical skills and test new treatments in the clinical setting. Therefore, the organization must install a simulation lab with high-fidelity HPSMs to advance the training process (McCoy et al., 2019). It will be easy for the entity to adopt the simulation technology due to its learning culture. However, the nurses may find it challenging to adapt to the new technology due to a lack of sufficient knowledge about simulation.

Metrics that the organization uses to Measure the Current Technology Use

The metrics used to measure the impact of the current technology use include the readmission rates, professional knowledge and competencies, organizational patient safety indicators, employee satisfaction, and overall quality of healthcare services in the organization (Krick et al., 2020). They explain that most healthcare organizations use patient safety indicators, psychological health, and intensity of service utilization to assess the impact of education technologies. Some of the indicators include mortality rates, readmission rates, fragment count and pressure ulcer rate. High readmission rates indicate poor healthcare quality. The metrics are based on the digital nursing technology outcome framework. The framework assesses the benefit of educational technology on patients, caregivers, and the organization. The benefits of the technology on patients focus on patient safety indicators and readmission rates. The benefits for healthcare providers include employee satisfaction and professional knowledge and competencies (Krick et al., 2020). Second, the technology’s effectiveness is measured by how much it improves nurse job satisfaction, knowledge, and competencies. Nagy (2018), who studied the influence of online video technology on learner satisfaction and performance, explains that the technology positively impacts learning performance among healthcare professionals. He further explains that the metrics is effective in determining learner satisfaction. More research regarding the effect of education technologies on nurse competences was performed by Tabatabaeian et al. (2018). Their study found the integration of simulation into nurse education improved their performance and resulted in better patient outcomes. Lastly, the use of the technology is measured by its impact on the overall healthcare quality across the facility.


The metrics are sufficient since they measure the technology’s effectiveness across multiple domains, including the patient population, healthcare professionals, and the organization. The metrics determine whether the organization needs an improvement in the current technology or requires a new form of technology. However, to ensure the proper collection, interpretation, and use of quality data, the organization should train nurses in various research skills. Nurses should also understand their role in data collection and interpretation processes. They should also learn about the best practices applicable in handling data.

The new technology aligns with the organization’s strategic mission. Its mission is to make people feel better by providing quality care that translates to better outcomes. Its vision is to raise its operations above the status quo. The current project aligns with this mission. Its objective is to provide the organization with a training framework that utilizes modern technology to improve nurses’ professional knowledge and competencies (Poston et al., 2019). According to Goh & Sandars (2020), integration of technology into medical education lays the foundation for transformative change that is needed to shape the future of healthcare in the country. The proposed technology, therefore, provides the basis upon which the organization rises above the industry’s status quo. Improved nurse competencies ensure that they deliver quality and safe healthcare services. Additionally, Teräs et al. (2020) explain that technology is a form of neoliberal development that identifies social problems and allows education to solve them. Hence, the integration of new technology enables the organization to solve some of its healthcare challenges. Nurses with improved professional knowledge and skillset contribute to better patient healthcare outcomes.

Recommendations and Conclusion

The recommended change to existing technology at Villa Healthcare Center entails the establishment of a physical training center that is installed with simulation equipment. The version of equipment is high fidelity HPSMs. The mannequins provide nurses with the ability to perform simple and complex skills relating to care delivery. The mannequins have a high degree of realism, allowing nurses to experiment with complex scenarios in real healthcare settings. The simulation technology is effective since it provides a safe method of learning. The technology also increases the learning outcomes among healthcare professionals. It positively impacts their psychomotor, reasoning, and knowledge capabilities. Therefore, the integration of simulation technology into the current training program will enhance the overall healthcare quality of the organization.


Goh, P. S., & Sandars, J. (2020). A vision of the use of technology in medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic. MedEdPublish9(49), 49.

Krick, T., Huter, K., Seibert, K., Domhoff, D., & Wolf-Ostermann, K. (2020). Measuring the effectiveness of digital nursing technologies: development of a comprehensive digital nursing technology outcome framework based on a scoping review. BMC health services research20(1), 1-17. Educational Technology Needs Assessment at Villa Health Essay

McCoy, C. E., Rahman, A., Rendon, J. C., Anderson, C. L., Langdorf, M. I., Lotfipour, S., & Chakravarthy, B. (2019). Randomized controlled trial of simulation vs. standard training for teaching medical students high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Western Journal of emergency medicine20(1), 15.

Nagy, J. T. (2018). Evaluation of online video usage and learning satisfaction: An extension of the technology acceptance model. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning19(1).

Posner, G. D., Clark, M. L., & Grant, V. J. (2017). Simulation in the clinical setting: towards a standard lexicon. Advances in Simulation2(1), 1-5.

Poston, K. M., Kinyon, K., & Screws, S. (2019). Improving assessment skills: flipping the large classroom using high-Fidelity manikins. Journal of Nursing Education58(9), 555-556.

Tabatabaeian, M., Kordi, M., Dadgar, S., Esmaeily, H., & Khadivzadeh, T. (2018). Comparing the effects of simulation-based training, blended, and lecture on the simulated performance of midwives in preeclampsia and eclampsia. Journal of Education and Health Promotion7.

Teräs, M., Suoranta, J., Teräs, H., & Curcher, M. (2020). Post-Covid-19 education and education technology ‘solutionism’: A seller’s market. Postdigital Science and Education2(3), 863-878Educational Technology Needs Assessment at Villa Health Essay.