The Christian Narratives On Biomedical Ethics Discussion Response

The Christian Narratives On Biomedical Ethics Discussion Response

The Christian Narratives on Biomedical Ethics

Nursing ethics principles are essential in the healthcare environment because they guide nurses towards ensuring that they provide patients safety and high-quality services that will positively impact the overall patient outcomes. Hence, as Beauchamp and Childress (2019) outline the main nursing ethics principles under the principlism framework, these principles start with Autonomy, Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, and Justice, respectively. The United States healthcare has exalted the autonomy principle, which is an action that seems to be implicating the functionality of other ethical principles . that is because, once a patient decides not to take the suggested form of treatment, their health status may deteriorate, thus increasing the number of days these patients stay in hospital thus affecting their physical, emotional and financial well-being The Christian Narratives On Biomedical Ethics Discussion Response.


From my point of view, I believe that Beneficence should be the first ethic principle since once the nurses understand the need to engage in activities that will benefit the patients, followed by nonmaleficence, which requires them not to cause any harm to the patient, then Justice to ensure that they provide equality to all patients regardless of their demographic characteristics (Roshanzadeh et al., 2020). Finally, Autonomy since the nurses will have to consider the patient’s refusal to take medication as the last consideration.

Using the Christian perspective, I believe the ranking of the ethics principles would start from Nonmaleficence, Beneficence, Autonomy, and Justice. That is because Christians perceive human life as sacred and which should be protected (White et al., 2019). A Bible character like Cain was cursed after killing his brother Abel. Hence, once a Christian prevents instances that harm others, their actions will reflect what God commanded to them regarding love for one another, which will lead to respecting other people’s decisions and treating each other equally as God treats them (Hoerner, 2020) The Christian Narratives On Biomedical Ethics Discussion Response.


Beauchamp, T., & Childress, J. (2019). Principles of biomedical ethics: marking its fortieth anniversary. The American Journal of Bioethics19(11), 9-12.

Hoehner, P.  (2020). Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative. Practicing dignity: An introduction to Christian values and decision making in health care.

Roshanzadeh, M., Vanaki, Z., & Sadooghiasl, A. (2020). Sensitivity in ethical decision-making: The experiences of nurse managers. Nursing ethics27(5), 1174-1186.

White, J. H., Peirce, A. G., & Jacobowitz, W. (2019). The relationship amongst ethical position, religiosity and self-identified culture in student nurses. Nursing ethics26(7-8), 2398-2412.


The four principles, especially in the context of bioethics in the United States, has often been critiqued for raising the principle of autonomy to the highest place, such that it trumps all other principles or values. How would you rank the importance of each of the four principles? How do you believe they would be ordered in the context of the Christian biblical narrative The Christian Narratives On Biomedical Ethics Discussion Response.

Paul J. Hoehner (2020). Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative. Practicing dignity: An introduction to Christian values and decision making in health care. Retrieved from

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