A Comprehensive Health Promotion Initiative to Address Mental Health Disparities In Low-Income Communities Assignment

A Comprehensive Health Promotion Initiative to Address Mental Health Disparities In Low-Income Communities Assignment


The purpose of the proposed health promotion initiative is to address the widespread problem of disparities in mental health among older people who live in low-income areas. This program is essential because of the unique difficulties that the senior population in economically disadvantaged areas faces, where scarce resources and social determinants of health lead to a higher occurrence of disparities in mental health. The knowledge that seniors in low-income communities confront particular challenges made worse by socioeconomic considerations is what inspired this study, which emphasizes the need for an inclusive and focused approach to mental health promotion (Gonzales et al., 2020)A Comprehensive Health Promotion Initiative to Address Mental Health Disparities In Low-Income Communities Assignment.


Description of Target Population

The initiative’s target group consists of those 65 years of age and older who live in low-income regions. This group was selected because of its predisposition to mental health issues and the aggravating effect that financial hardships have on general wellbeing. Understanding the significance of the Healthy People 2030 project is crucial because it emphasizes how important it is to address mental health concerns among older persons. Our study is part of a larger endeavor to enhance the health and well-being of all Americans, especially those in marginalized populations, by aligning with this national agenda.

Project Planning

The creation of specialized interventions suited to the particular requirements of the elderly population in low-income communities is part of the program planning for this health promotion initiative. Our interventions will be grounded in fundamental concepts of health promotion, including cultural competence, community involvement, and a thorough understanding of mental health. These ideas offer a strong basis for developing focused initiatives to address the socioeconomic determinants of health that contribute to the disparities in mental health that exist in this population (Mezzina et al., 2022).

Health Promotion Theories or Models

The creation and execution of interventions will be guided by health promotion theories and models in our project. For example, the Social Cognitive Theory will be used to highlight how self-efficacy, social support, and observational learning contribute to behavior change in older persons. This theory recognizes the significance of social interactions and environmental elements in determining health behaviors, which is in line with the project’s focus on community involvement and cultural competence (Sharma, 2021).

Approach to Behavior Change Education

We will use a variety of strategies to teach the target group about changing their behavior. This strategy incorporates health/mHealth technologies, culturally relevant instructional materials, and community workshops. Taking into account the distinct tastes of the elderly population, we will integrate mHealth applications that are easy to use and improve accessibility and effectiveness. Furthermore, our methodology will take into account the interdependence of social, economic, and environmental variables, exploring the ways in which these determinants impact mental health consequences.

To sum up, the proposed health promotion initiative tackles the important problem of disparities in mental health among older people living in low-income areas. The project intends to empower seniors and provide important insights for future mental health policies and practices through focused treatments that are based on health promotion theories and models and make use of relevant health and mobile health technology. A thorough evaluation plan and the application of evidence-based techniques guarantee the accuracy and efficacy of the interventions, which in turn promotes more equitable mental health outcomes for the elderly population in low-income neighborhoods.


Gonzales, E., Lee, K., & Harootyan, B. (2020). Voices from the field: Ecological factors that promote employment and health among low-income older adults with implications for direct social work practice. Clinical Social Work Journal48(2), 211-222. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10615-019-00719-x

Mezzina, R., Gopikumar, V., Jenkins, J., Saraceno, B., & Sashidharan, S. P. (2022). Social vulnerability and mental health inequalities in the “Syndemic”: Call for action. Frontiers in psychiatry13, 894370. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2022.894370/full

Sharma, M. (2021). Theoretical foundations of health education and health promotion. Jones & Bartlett Learning. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=xoAxEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=Health+Promotion+Theorie+recognizes+the+significance+of+social+interactions+and+environmental+elements+in+determining+health+behaviors&ots=UTiV57FD9v&sig=8KCPJye26rbGVHl-HL9Z_KxKh3Y A Comprehensive Health Promotion Initiative to Address Mental Health Disparities In Low-Income Communities Assignment