AACN Competencies and The Walden Mission, Vision, And Outcomes Assignment

AACN Competencies and The Walden Mission, Vision, And Outcomes Assignment

AACN Competencies and The Walden Mission, Vision, and Outcomes

            A doctoral degree in nursing is the terminal degree in this field. The degree ensures that students are prepared with a high level of knowledge and skills necessary to practice in their chosen fields. This enables them to address the complex challenges found in the healthcare sector with their advanced level of knowledge and skills ensuring an improvement in patient outcomes and quality nursing care as they apply the research and evidence-based practice in the care they provide to patients. A doctorate in nursing practice (DNP) is an academic degree and not a role (AACN, 2006). The doctorate program focuses heavily on nursing practice that is innovative and evidence-based, with the application of research findings that are credible and verifiable. With this in mind, nurses prepared at the doctorate level are well equipped with fundamental knowledge and skills to apply and implement the science and evidence-based practice developed by nurse researchers with doctorate qualifications and other research-focused programs of nursing. This paper aims at analyzing my professional and academic goals and how they align with the vision and mission of Walden University, the message of social change, the outcomes of the university, and the essentials of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and the doctorate in nursing program (DNP)AACN Competencies and The Walden Mission, Vision, And Outcomes Assignment.


My professional and academic goals and how they align with Walden’s vision and mission

With the acquisition of my doctorate program, my goal is to gain knowledge and skills to be able to improve the outcomes of patients and provide quality nursing care through the application of evidence-based research in my nursing practice to improve the health of the general population. The vision of Walden University is to ensure that knowledge is judged worthy of the degree and that the graduates can apply the knowledge to provide immediate solutions to critical changes in society, enhancing the greater global good (Walden University, 2022). My goal aligns perfectly with this vision because, with the knowledge acquired from my doctorate program, I will be able to utilize it to identify patients who require urgent care and use the knowledge to provide care based on research evidence for quality health.

The doctorate program will also help me evolve as an organized nurse leader capable of bringing a transformation to the healthcare system, ensuring the prevention of illness, and facilitating health promotion in the community (AACN, 2015). This also aligns with Walden’s mission to ensure the provision of an opportunity for self-promotion to scholar-practitioners capable of effecting social change in a diverse community of professionals in different careers.

How do my professional and academic goals align with the social change message, outcomes of the university, and the essentials of AACN DNP?

The use of information technology to ensure an improvement in patient care and the healthcare system, in general, is among the essentials of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Doctorate in Nursing Practice (AACN DNP) degree (.AACN, 2020) With the acquisition of knowledge in the integration of information technology in the care of my patients, I will be able to achieve the goal of Walden University of demonstrating information literacy, which encompasses being able to determine when there is need for information and use the information effectively to solve an issue or problem at hand. Using information technology will enable me to share information with the healthcare team, track and monitor the progress of implemented programs, minimize errors related to medical practice, develop a science base for discussion of ideas, and provide support for decisions made in the healthcare system, ensuring quality care.

Walden University’s outcomes aim to ensure that its graduates are well equipped with the knowledge, skills, and ability to facilitate a positive social change in their workplaces, communities, and society as a whole. With the wide range of knowledge that I will gain in scientific research and evidence-based practice through my doctorate program, I will be able to bring about change by conducting scientific and evidence-based research to ensure that my decisions are made based on verifiable data to challenge the status quo and effect a positive change in the society. This will provide a positive impact on my profession, the community, and society. In addition, I will be able to provide rationales behind my ideas and communicate them effectively to my patients, colleagues, and other stakeholders (AACN, 2006).

Ways I will use to incorporate social change in my study program and professional practice

I will be an agent of social change in my profession and during my study program and professional practice by analyzing evidence-based research articles and applying the research findings in caring for my patients to ensure optimum health outcomes and quality care provision. I will also aim at challenging the status quo by conducting scientific research to come up with evidence-based solutions and recommendations to ensure people adopt and practice healthy habits in my social environment. I will prepare future nurses to adjust and be able to cope effectively with upcoming challenges in the healthcare sector, delivering excellent care to patients with a special focus on healthcare quality and safety.

Contributions of social change to my field experience and my role in the professional practice

Social change is a major determinant of health in society. Factors such as the availability of food, jobs, proper housing, and childcare services have a direct effect on healthcare. These changes may affect my field experience as a change in the social determinant of health will need to be addressed in a holistic manner to improve health outcomes. I may therefore be required to focus more on ensuring health promotion activities for example by advising my patients to have a healthier diet and even advocate for better housing facilities in places where there is poor housing AACN Competencies and The Walden Mission, Vision, And Outcomes Assignment.


The role of a nurse in the professional practice in such a case is to assess the factors affecting the patient’s social life including housing, availability of fresh and nutritious food and water, access to education, and social support among others (Cirigliano, 2021). The nurse needs to provide empowerment and provide public advocacy services to better address the social determinants of health. They can offer cross-sector collaborations by making use of their skills in collaboration and communication to build a team that is better placed in pushing for a better system of addressing the social determinants of health for patients.

In conclusion, a doctorate in nursing practice (DNP) puts nurses in a better position to ensure the provision of quality care to patients through nursing research and the implementation of evidence-based practice in nursing. Through this program, nurses acquire a high level of skills and competence which improves healthcare outcomes for patients ensuring an increased quality of life and better patient experience with healthcare.

The Assignment: (2–3 pages)
Explain how your academic and professional goals align with Walden’s vision, mission, social change message, and university outcomes and the AACN DNP Essentials. Be specific.
Explain how you plan to incorporate social change throughout your program of study and in professional practice. Be sure to include how social change may contribute to your practicum/field experience and your role in professional practice.
Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/templates/general#s-lg-box-20293632). All papers submitted must use this formattin AACN Competencies and The Walden Mission, Vision, And Outcomes Assignment


American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). (2006). The essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice. Washington, DC: Author.

Walden University. (2022). Vision, mission, and goals. Retrieved from https://catalog.waldenu.edu/content.php?catoid=147&navoid=47257

American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). (2015). The Doctor of Nursing Practice: Current issues and clarifying recommendations. Report from the task force on the implementation of the DNP. Washington, DC: Author.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). (2020). Fact sheet: The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). Washington, DC: Author.

Cirigliano, M. (2021). The vital role of nurses in supporting social determinants of health. Retrieved from https://www.healthify.us/healthify-insights/the-vital-role-of-nurses-in-supporting-social-determinants-of-health AACN Competencies and The Walden Mission, Vision, And Outcomes Assignment