Case Study Scenario: Health Promotion Program Review Essay Discussion

Case Study Scenario: Health Promotion Program Review Essay Discussion

Case Study Scenario: Health Promotion Program Review

Health promotion enables communities and individuals to control their overall well-being and minimize dangers associated with developing illnesses. In such a case, involved stakeholders must develop effective plans that minimize disease severity and development for the welfare of society. The paper reflects Rural West Virginia project outcomes in the State’s 2018-2022 plan case scenario by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (West Virginia DHHR). The main areas to assess are the project effectiveness, identifiable health disparities and social determinants of health (SDH), socio-ecological model effectiveness, technology input and various technological tools. Also, the paper will summarize the health promotion program strengths, challenges and improvement areas and the APN’s role in a health promotion project Case Study Scenario: Health Promotion Program Review Essay Discussion.


Project Effectiveness

The West Virginia State Project plan is crucial since it aims at ensuring that rural West Virginia achieves their aim of maintaining good health. In such a case, one of the project’s goals is to strengthen healthcare in all rural communities to curb the existing health disparities in these areas (West Virginia DHHR, 2018). The project will also help reinforce future and current health infrastructure within West Virginia, particularly to enhance healthcare access and incorporate sustainable ideas and resources. As such, rural West Virginia will ensure that the population receives affordable, high-quality healthcare services.

The Identifiable Health Disparities and Social Determinants of Health (SDH)

Health disparities occur due to various systematic factors known as SDH, including healthy food, safe housing, and public safety, among other issues. In that case, the rural West Virginia identifiable health disparities include poor healthcare access and higher morbidity and mortality rates of various diseases (West Virginia West Virginia DHHR, 2018). For instance, the mortality rate related to Diabetes is higher in rural West Virginia compared to the national statistics. Consequently, adult obesity in rural West Virginia is 34.1 percent more than 27. 4 percent nationally (West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, 2018). The main SDH that may have contributed to such health disparities include employment, educational levels and income, thus the need to implement a project to solve these issues. For instance, in rural West Virginia, the number of adults that have attained post-secondary education is 53.1 percent than 63.3 percent nationally.

Effectiveness of Socio-Ecological Model

The socio-ecological model revolves around individuals, communities, relationships and societal factors that enhance an understanding of factors that put individuals at risk to protect them. In such a case, the socio-ecological model in rural West Virginia will help stakeholders propose, assess, manage and implement a project (West Virginia West Virginia DHHR, 2018). Therefore, the Rural West Virginia project will help the relevant stakeholders achieve maximum goals to improve the community’s health.

The Health Promotion Program Strengths, Challenges and Improvement Areas

The health promotion program lies in its objectives, which include enhancing access to healthcare, prioritizing the existing health conditions, increasing the number of healthcare providers working in rural areas, improving education for the rural population and engaging the community in healthcare matters (West Virginia West Virginia DHHR, 2018). However, there will be a need to engage the rural areas leaders to improve their understanding and become aware of various health disparities and ways they can contribute towards improving overall health outcomes.

The APN’s Role in a Health Promotion Project

Advanced practice nurses (APNs) are important during health promotion projects since they are more aware of patient populations’ issues. In such a case, the main role of APNs during the project implementation is to ensure that the project team utilizes evidence-based research to meet the project goals (Sevilla Guerra et al., 2021). For instance, in healthcare access and roads, the APNs need to collaborate with community leaders to identify the best solutions to ensure that the project will benefit the community. That way, it will be easy to minimize resource misuse to reduce overall healthcare costs and meet the needs of the overall community.


Health promotion programs are crucial in the communities, particularly in rural areas. That is because these areas experience a variety of health disparities and SDH, which paralyzes their day-to-day life, particularly in healthcare services access. As a result, the rural West Virginia health program is crucial since it aims at ensuring that rural West Virginia achieves their aim of maintaining good health. Therefore, to strengthen healthcare in all rural communities, it will be easy to curb the existing health disparities in these areas.

Discussion Overview: Health promotion intervention review

Students will engage in a discussion and reflection exercise focused on lifestyle health promotion program review. The following learning points will be extrapolated through this exercise Case Study Scenario: Health Promotion Program Review Essay Discussion:

Discuss outcomes of a health promotion project (process, outcome, goal achievement, challenges, improvements needed).
Discuss the health disparities and SDH identifiable in the population.
Explain how the Socio-ecological model supports the implementation process of the project.
Provide details about how technological tools can be used to support the project
Review the following background information and documents:

The Pacific Care Model: Charting the Course for Non-communicable Disease Prevention and ManagementLinks to an external site.
Telehealth in Rural Communities | CDC
How can technology benefit healthcare in rural communities? – OH Blog ( to an external site.
The Use of New Technologies as a Tool for the Promotion of Health Education in Rural Areas Links to an external site.,recently%2C%20the%20work%27s%20logic%20model%20has%20been%20established.

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***Instruction: Choose only one of the two Case Study Scenarios provided below to complete your assignment. Your response should address at the least, the six bullet points in the prompt below.

Creating a Culture of Health in Rural West Virginia: State Rural Health Plan 2018-2022
You have been asked to review and evaluate the rural health promotion program implemented in West Virginia or the Strong People Program. Begin by addressing the following:

Describe the outcomes of the Rural West Virginia or the Strong People Project. Explain the effectiveness of the process, approach, technology use, and goal achievement.
Describe the health disparities and SDH identifiable in the population and their role in the identified health issues and solutions.
Explain how the Socio-ecological model support the implementation process of the project
Explain how technology and technological tools can support these efforts.
Summarize the strengths, challenges, and areas of improvement of the health promotion program. Describe the benefits and risks identified with the intervention projects.
Summarize your role as an APN in leading a health promotion project.

Prepare a thorough response for each question for your initial post in the discussion forum for Module 5. Following your initial post, you must create at least two response posts to your peers.

Initial Posting:

Your initial posting should be at least 500 words in length and utilize at least three scholarly sources other than the textbook.


Sevilla Guerra, S., Zabalegui, A., Comellas Oliva, M., Estrem Cuesta, M., Martín‐Baranera, M., & Ferrús Estopà, L. (2021). Advanced practice nurses: Analysis of their role from a multicentre cross‐sectional study. International Nursing Review, 69(1).

West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (2018). Creating A Culture Of Health In Rural West Virginia: State Rural Health Plan 2018-2022. Case Study Scenario: Health Promotion Program Review Essay Discussion