Clinical Issue/ Reducing Stigma Towards mental Health And Addiction Patients Discussion

Clinical Issue/ Reducing Stigma Towards mental Health And Addiction Patients Discussion

Clinical Issue Discussion

Stigma is a subjective process that makes individuals develop negative feelings about themselves due to prevailing conditions. The issue of mental health and addiction is mostly subjected to stereotypes, with most of these patients failing to seek medical intervention, thus risking these patients’ well-being (Avery & Avery, 2019). Such stigmatization also exists among healthcare providers, thus making them present bias when treating mental health and addiction patients. In that case, my PICO question is, “Do mental health and addiction patients’ stigma levels change after exposure to public stigma interventions compared to those with no such stigma interventions? From the question, the Population under study is the mental health and addiction patients; Intervention is public stigma interventions, Comparison being the absence of no stigma intervention, and the Outcome changing of stigma levels Clinical Issue/ Reducing Stigma Towards mental Health And Addiction Patients Discussion.


When searching for the articles, the main search terms used were mental illness, addiction disorders, public stigma interventions, mental illness stigma, and addiction stigma. Regarding the database used, the research engaged PubMed Central, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. In that case, PubMed Central initially provided 19564 results, Web of Science, 16, 494 results, and Google Scholar 18, 065 results. However, after limiting the search parameter by searching for articles within the last five years, the results were 12,384 results, 13,123 results, and 14,503, respectively. Also, after engaging the Boolean parameters using mental health and addiction patients as a keyword, the results narrowed further to 8,732 results, 9,231 results, and 11, 896, respectively.

When addressing the rigor and effectiveness factors for my research, I have realized that I need to engage different strategies to ensure that I get the most effective articles to answer my PICO question. These strategies will include enhancing the search limiters to help me identify the specific articles for the research, like combining search terms like mental illness and stigma levels (Dhollande et al., 2021). Also, the identified peer-reviewed articles reference lists will need to be screened to evaluate other relevant studies (Spurlock et al., 2019).




Avery, J. D., & Avery, J. J. (Eds.). (2019). The stigma of addiction: An essential guide. Springer.

Dhollande, S., Taylor, A., Meyer, S., & Scott, M. (2021). Conducting integrative reviews: A guide for novice nursing researchers. Journal of Research in Nursing26(5), 427-438.

Spurlock Jr, D. (2019). Searching the literature in preparation for research: Strategies that matter. Journal of Nursing Education58(8), 441-443.

Matrix Worksheet Template


Use this document to complete Part 1 of the Module 2 Assessment, Evidence-Based Project, Part 1: Identifying Research Methodologies


Research Topic: The Healthcare Professionals’ Stigma against Patients with Mental Health/ Addiction Issues

Full citation of selected article Article #1 Article #2 Article #3 Article #4
  Mejia-Lancheros, C., Lachaud, J., O’Campo, P., Wiens, K., Nisenbaum, R., Wang, R., … & Stergiopoulos, V. (2020). Trajectories and mental health-related predictors of perceived discrimination and stigma among homeless adults with mental illness. PloS one, 15(2), e0229385.



Werremeyer, A., Mosher, S., Eukel, H., Skoy, E., Steig, J., Frenzel, O., & Strand, M. A. (2021). Pharmacists’ stigma toward patients engaged in opioid misuse: When “social distance” does not mean disease prevention. Substance Abuse42(4), 919-926. Sherwood, D. A. (2019). Healthcare curriculum influences on stigma towards mental illness: Core psychiatry course impact on pharmacy, nursing and social work student attitudes. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning11(2), 198-203.


Al Saif, F., Al Shakhoori, H., Nooh, S., & Jahrami, H. (2019). Association between attitudes of stigma toward mental illness and attitudes toward adoption of evidence-based practice within health care providers in Bahrain. PloS one, 14(12), e0225738.


Why you chose this article and/or how it relates to the clinical issue of interest (include a brief explanation of the ethics of research related to your clinical issue of interest) I chose the article since homeless people face hard times when trying to access healthcare services due to their condition. Most homeless individuals do not have access to health insurance, so they are usually sidelined by most healthcare organizations. Such a situation can lead to adverse effects on their mental illness, like increased drug addiction as they try to manage chronic pain independently. The main research ethics portrayed by the article concerns crediting other partners who participated in the research process Clinical Issue/ Reducing Stigma Towards mental Health And Addiction Patients Discussion.





  The article is essential since pharmacists also ensure that all patients receive the proper medication to boost their well-being. Hence, the treatment process can easily be disrupted once the pharmacists fail to acknowledge patients’ rights. Concerning research ethics, funding declaration involving different health-related organizations shows that these organizations agreed to be acknowledged with no anonymity. The article is essential since it provides evidence-based research on how the healthcare industry can reduce the stigma projected on the patient population through the school curriculum. The research ethics involved openness and transparency by indicating that the research did not receive any funds from any institution since it was a school project.


The article is essential since it helps identify various ways healthcare providers stigmatize patients with mental illnesses. That is despite the healthcare setting being where patients should feel safe to overcome any health condition limiting their well-being. Research ethics is based on engaging the participants in understanding the research information for them to participate or exclude themselves.
Brief description of the aims of the research of each peer-reviewed article The article aimed to investigate how homeless and mentally ill adults were affected by discrimination and stigma due to their mental health issues.


The research aimed to identify the degree to which pharmacists impose social distance on patients diagnosed with opioid use disorder and opioid misuse.


The research’s main aim was to point out the stigma that health professional students possess towards mental illness and the impact of course work on such students’ perceptions.


The research aims to enlighten why evidence-based practices in reducing stigma should be embraced and implemented.


Brief description of the research methodology used Be sure to identify if the methodology used was qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed-methods approach. Be specific.  

The research involved quantitative research where the researchers engaged in random trials with the 414 participants that were homeless and had mental illness complications.






The research involved a quantitative survey with each question to evaluate the 187 participants’ likelihood and frequency of social distance towards opioid misuse patients in terms of Social Distance Scale, attitudinal, and demographics.


The research involves a qualitative survey involving 154 pre-course and 128 post-course nursing students in social work, pharmacy, and nursing.


The research uses a quantitative method by engaging the 547 health care providers in a self-report questionnaire practice. The 273 participants were associated with primary care services and the 274 with mental health services.


A brief description of the strengths of each of the research methodologies used, including reliability and validity of how the methodology was applied in each of the peer-reviewed articles you selected.  

The research’s strength, credibility, and reliability were based on questionnaires and one-on-one interviews.


The research strength is that the participants’ aim would help identify why pharmacists avoided opioid use patients for future remedies. The credibility and reliability of the research is based on the organizations that agreed to fund it.


The study’s strength is based on using surveys since they are cost-effective since the research was not funded. The research article’s credibility and reliability are that it has been retrieved from Pubmed, a scholarly database that provides quality nursing articles and books.


The research strength was based on receiving different views from healthcare providers in an interprofessional setting regarding their views towards the stigma of mental illness patients. The research’s credibility and reliability are based on identifying that not all healthcare providers stigmatize mental health patients since it depends on a country or healthcare facility’s defined culture.


General Notes/Comments There is a need to evaluate ways to help the homeless adults with mental illness to prevent the conditions adverse effects.






Pharmacists must also be involved in workshops and training to learn ways to prevent stigmatizing patients.


It is important to consider students’ perceptions towards mental illness before transitioning to practice.


Federal and state governments must work on policies that will push all healthcare organizations to stop stigmatizing mentally ill patients.



Al Saif, F., Al Shakhoori, H., Nooh, S., & Jahrami, H. (2019). Association between attitudes of stigma toward mental illness and attitudes toward adoption of evidence-based practice within health care providers in Bahrain. PloS one, 14(12), e0225738.

Mejia-Lancheros, C., Lachaud, J., O’Campo, P., Wiens, K., Nisenbaum, R., Wang, R., … & Stergiopoulos, V. (2020). Trajectories and mental health-related predictors of perceived discrimination and stigma among homeless adults with mental illness. PloS one, 15(2), e0229385.

Sherwood, D. A. (2019). Healthcare curriculum influences on stigma towards mental illness: Core psychiatry course impact on pharmacy, nursing and social work student attitudes. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning11(2), 198-203.

Werremeyer, A., Mosher, S., Eukel, H., Skoy, E., Steig, J., Frenzel, O., & Strand, M. A. (2021). Pharmacists’ stigma toward patients engaged in opioid misuse: When “social distance” does not mean disease prevention. Substance Abuse42(4), 919-926. Issue/ Reducing Stigma Towards mental Health And Addiction Patients Discussion