Code of Ethics For Nurses Essay

Code of Ethics For Nurses Essay

Reviewing Appendix B in Butts, choose two of the Nine Tenets of the Code of Ethics for Nurses and describe how you will personally apply each tenet in the practice setting with your patients. Describe in detail the purpose of the tenet and provide examples of the tenet applied in practice. Explain why it is important to uphold the tenet in maximizing the quality of patient care, and identify how it enhances your own practice as a nurse.Code of Ethics For Nurses Essay


Your paper should be 2 pages.

Include a title page and a reference page to cite your text. Adhere to APA formatting throughout, and cite any outside sources you may use.

The nursing code of ethics has a very standard definition. It is the base on how nurses should guide themselves in conduct by making the right decision regarding ethical issues. According to the National Student Nurses Association “students of nursing have a responsibility to society in learning the academic theory and clinical skills needed to provide nursing care” (2003). In the clinical setting nurses have a lot of responsibilities while caring for an ill patient, they have the obligation to practice their profession with compassion, love, and respect the uniqueness of each patient, as nurses we are not supposed to deny care to a patient because of their economic status, their skin color, race, or the nature of health problems,Code of Ethics For Nurses Essay
Code of Ethics in nursing it is important to make sure the staff and patients are being respected and treated with dignity. The study of ethics has lead to basic concept such as justice and fidelity, autonomy, beneficence and nonmaleficence. It is very important to understand these concepts, because they assist the nurse with making decisions during difficult situations (ANA, 2001, p 6). Justice and fidelity According to the literature justice refers to the obligation nurses must have with everyone to be fair, it is an approach to ethical decisions making based on objective rules and fidelity means that the nurse’s obligation is to be faithful to commitments made to self and others or loyalty to agreements accepted. This sense of responsibility to fidelity means to be trustful and keep a promise. Therefore, when taking care of a patient who is in a lot of pain and ask the nurse for his pain medication then the nurse promises to the patient that he or she will be back with his ordered medication within five minutes, then as a nurse duty he or she has to come back to the patient’s room within those five minutes, because he or she made the promise. It is an ethical principle that relates to fair treatment in light to what is owed to the patient. The concept individuals obligation is to be faithful to promises made Code of Ethics For Nurses Essay

The International Council of Nurses and the World Health Organization defined nursing as a profession or practice that involves independent as well as collaborative care of all individuals, families, communities and societies, sick or well in all state of affairs. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of ill and provision of rehabilitative services to terminally ill patients and those living with disabilities to maintain the optimal health and the quality of life aspect in the definition of health (ICN 2012). Nursing is both art and practice thus making it a complex profession that requires vigilant competent and committed personnel to provide services to the public taking considerations to key nursing roles such as advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research, and participation in developing and reviewing of policies and inpatient and health systems management, and continued education (ICN 2012). Like any other profession, nursing is governed by a set of ethical principles/requirements; high level of education commits to the professional code of ethics/code of conduct and to protect the interest of the public. According to Brown, (n.d.), the code of ethics for nurses focuses on the professional behaviour and on making sure decision making is client oriented as much as possible and outlines ethical responsibilities of the nurse. It is the responsibility of the whole nursing fraternity to have a copy of the code available at all times, know and understand the content, abide by the code as well as a duty to effectively and carefully practice their profession.Code of Ethics For Nurses Essay

It is very important for the nursing profession to have and understand their code of ethics. This paper will discuss the code of ethics in details including the purpose and the implications of the code of ethics. The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, (2018), refer to the code of ethics for nurses’ as an important document that outlines the legal requirements, professional behavior and conduct expectations as well as obligations for all nurses, in all areas of practice. The code further describes the principles of professional conduct guiding safe service delivery and clearly summarizes the conduct expected of nurses by their clients/patients, colleagues and the community at large (Lachman 2009). The code is developed such that it is in harmony with the country’s Law. The code consists of seven principles of conduct, grouped into focus areas “domains”, each with an explanatory statement and practical guidance to demonstrate how it is applied in nursing practice. Supporting the code of ethics is the expectation that nurses will use their professional judgment to deliver the best results in their area of practice (Gibbons S. & Jeschke E 2012 and Haddad & Geiger 2018).Code of Ethics For Nurses Essay

The code of ethics is a very important tool for nurses to have because nursing is a very complex and dynamic profession that deals with human lives; omissions, substandard of care and negligence are not tolerated. The code reminds nurses of their primary focus which is centered around the care and the rights of their patients. Limentani (1999) mentioned that when patients seek medical assistance they often feel at risk yet; there is a need to share intimate and vital information about their lives thus the need of the code to shape the behavior of the nurse as she/he takes care of the patient professionally. Nurses are expected to provide nursing care the correct way at the very first time they provide the service according to the code. The code should be ethical effective to provide guidance on managing ethical issues ‘dilemmas’ that might arise at the societal level, the administrative level, and the clinical level. According to the ICN (2012) an ethical effective code act as; a brief statement of the ethical obligations and responsibilities of every individual who enters the nursing profession, profession’s non – negotiable ethical standard and an expression of nursing’s own understanding of its commitment to society to avoid unnecessary misconduct. Nursing nationally and internationally is expected to function according to the code.Code of Ethics For Nurses Essay


LSUA, (2016) made it clear that patients have the right to make decisions about their healthcare and decide to accept or refuse treatment, however, they should expect to receive accurate and complete information about their conditions from nurses who are taking care of them and make informed decisions based on the information shared to them. While taking care of the client there are many ethical issues that the nurse may encounter where only the code can defend the practicing nurse thus it is very important in nursing profession (Zahedi, et. al 2012). Nurses should be observant of these ethical issues as they might sometimes conflict with the very same code of ethics, nurse’s values and beliefs resulting. Consideration should be made especially for the first four (4) principles (autonomy, beneficence, justice, and non-maleficence). According to Haddad & Geiger (2018), nurses should remember that all patients have a right to be treated fairly and equally while healthcare workers including nurses have a duty to refrain from maltreatment, minimize harm, and promote good health towards patients (beneficence). Nurses are also expected to assist patients with tasks that they are unable to perform on their own such as bathing a bedridden patient, keeping side rails up for a restless patient, and/or providing medications as prescribed and on time. Failure to adhere to the principles of the code may result in suspension from work, dismissal, lawsuits as well as forfeiting certificates by nurses. So it is for those reasons it is very important for nurses to be up to date with their code of ethics.Code of Ethics For Nurses Essay

The code of ethics for nurses is a guide for action based on social values and needs. It has meaning only as a living document if applied to the realities of nursing and health care in a changing society. To achieve its purpose the code must be well understood, internalized and used by nurses in all aspects of their work. It must be available to nurses throughout their work lives.

Running head: SYSTEM OF INQUIRY PAPER System of Inquiry Paper Wendell A. Garcia University of Phoenix March 18, 2008 American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics for Nurses Ethics is an integral part of the foundation of nursing. Nursing has a distinguished history of concern for the welfare of the sick, injured, and vulnerable and for social justice. This concern is embodied in the provision of nursing care to individuals and the community. Nursing encompasses the prevention of illness, the alleviation of suffering, and the protection, promotion, and restoration of health in the care of individuals, families, groups, and communities. Individuals who became nurses are expected not only to adhere to the ideals and moral Code of Ethics For Nurses Essay
Every state in the nation has its own board of nursing that govern and monitor the practices of nurses within that state. Each state board of nursing have obligation to protect the public health, safety, and welfare through the safe and competent practice of nurses. It is governed by the state governor down to executive director of the board of nursing. Ethics of Social Purpose The evolution of Nursing’s Code of Ethics started back in 1893, the “Nightingale Pledge,” patterned after medicine’s Hippocratic Oath, understood as the first nursing code of ethics to the 2001 revised version of the code. It has always been fundamentally concerned with the principles of doing no harm, of benefiting others, of loyalty, and of truthfulness. The code has been focused on social justice and, in later versions, with the changing context of health care as well as with the autonomy of the patient and the nurse. What does respect for human dignity mean in health care and how will it be demonstrated?Code of Ethics For Nurses Essay

For Mr. Doe, a nurse may feel that he may not hurt his medicine not to advertise his medicine may hurt him, but still infringes his right to refuse autonomy and treatment To do. Credibility is the principle to tell the truth and nurses must provide objective, sincere and comprehensive information when interacting with patients (Burkhardt et al., 2014). When a nurse hides Mr. Doe’s medicine in his ice cream, this violates the principle of accuracy. It would be necessary if he gets the consent of an alternative decision maker.

The ethical decision consists of occupational ethics including ANA (ANA, 2001) “Nursing ethics for explanatory sentences” and “Nursing ethics regulations” (Table 1) of the International Nurses Council (2006) (Table 1) It is indispensable. The nine provisions of the American National Nurse Association’s Code of Ethics Code of Conduct (2001), including the superiority of defending a patient, proof of respect and compassion, can be seen online. The ANA Code is “Occupational Expression” (Dahnke, 2009, page 113) and includes values ​​and commitments, patient responsibilities, and obligations to society. ANA Code describes the traditional heritage of moral practice as “self-reflection, sustainability, and identity” (ANA, page 5). The ANA code indicates that the moral judgment of nurses should respond to social values ​​and community needs. ICN code provides an important global perspective for ethical nursing practice Code of Ethics For Nurses Essay

• In the first main section, nursing professional ethics, the author introduced the history of development of nurse ICN and ANA ethics. Due to several key events, medical practice has been continuously improved. A special event is that Nightingale continues to emphasize ethics and values ​​in both verbal and written terms. By the end of the nineteenth century modern medicine was born, and in 1893 Lystra Gretter hosted a committee to develop efforts towards the nightingale. In 1900, Isabel Hampton in the United States wrote the first nursing ethics book entitled “Nursing Ethics: Hospital and Private Use”. Since the first ANA code was adopted in 1950, it evolved to the latest version in 2001. In 1953, ICN announced the first code of ethics for nurses. The ICN code received several revisions, the latest revision of 2006

The American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses has five elements that pertain to the Principle of Autonomy. Each individual element applies to “respect individual persons” (Baillie, McGeehan, Garrett T, M., Garrett R. M., 2013, p.33). In Chapter 2 of the Health Care ethics: Principles and problems text, it discusses thouroghly the consent of an individual to make their own decisions regarding their health and future requests of care. As a nurse or within all heath care professions, we must treat each individual patient with care, respect, and to remain mindful to the patient regarding any aspect of their lives. In the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses, it explains ways of maintaining the empathy required in the health field. It further discusses that the respect for human dignity must be a priority, relationships to patients must remain neutral, the severity of the situation, the right to self-rule, and the professionalism that must be upheld by the nurse and their associates.Code of Ethics For Nurses Essay