Different Differential Diagnosis Processes Used In Clinical Practice

Different Differential Diagnosis Processes Used In Clinical Practice

Differential Diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is when a doctor lists all possible causes of the symptoms exhibited by a patient. In a diagnostic approach, a doctor might have a single theory of the condition causing the symptoms in a patient (Jain, 2017). However, many illnesses share common symptoms, making it difficult to narrow down to a specific disorder using the non-differential diagnostic approach. Therefore, the differential diagnosis approach is helpful when there are several causes to consider patient symptoms Different Differential Diagnosis Processes Used In Clinical Practice.


Different Differential Diagnosis Processes Used in Clinical Practice

The processes in the differential diagnosis include taking the patient’s medical history, performing a physical examination, and conducting diagnostic tests. A doctor must get a complete medical history of the patient. The information gathered may include the present symptoms, family medical history, and how long they have had the sign (Cook & Décary, 2020). The doctor conducts a physical examination, including taking the patient’s heart rate and blood pressure. Lastly, the doctor may order diagnostic tests to rule out various conditions and narrow down to the specific situation causing the symptom. The tests might include a CT scan, blood test, urine test, MRI scan, and X-ray, among other tests.

The Risks/Benefits of Different DD Processes

The benefit of the processes is they help out doctors rule out life or identify threatening conditions that may be associated with symptoms presented. For example, based on family medical history, a doctor can determine whether the patient might suffer a particular situation if there are cases of the same illness in the family tree. The processes in DD also help guide medical evaluation and treatment (Cook & Décary, 2020). By narrowing down the cause of the patient’s symptoms, the doctor provides the appropriate treatment plan that improves the patient’s health outcomes Different Differential Diagnosis Processes Used In Clinical Practice.


Cook, C., & Décary, S. (2020). Higher order thinking about differential diagnosis. Brazilian Journal Of Physical Therapy24(1), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bjpt.2019.01.010

Jain, B. (2017). The key role of differential diagnosis in diagnosis. Diagnosis4(4), 239-240. https://doi.org/10.1515/dx-2017-0005 Different Differential Diagnosis Processes Used In Clinical Practice