Electronic Medical Records Project
Electronic Medical Records Project
The introduction of electronic medical records in the health care organization requires considerable changes and the transformation from the paper records to electronic records. In this regard, the health care organization has to come prepared to the change and the successful introduction of electronic medical records (EMR). The major issue is the smooth transition from the paper work to electronic records with the high level of the private information protection and security of data transmission.Electronic Medical Records Project
How long do you estimate it will take for the “builder” to create the form in an electronic format? What are you basing your estimate on?
The transformation of a paper medical record into a medical record of one patient will take about three-four days because all the information from the paper medical record has to be double checked and the information should be collected precisely without any errors. The accuracy is pivotal for the patient safety. Checking the information will take about two days because all records have to be checked and double checked.
The next step is the transformation of the written or printed information into the electronic form. The electronic form will take one day. The digitalization of the data takes time because all the information should be transferred into the electronic form accurately and this procedure takes time. No rush is possible at this stage because no errors are possible at this stage.Electronic Medical Records Project
Testing the electronic medical record will take one more day. Testing involves the detailed analysis of the electronic document and testing its functionality, including testing how the input and output of the information along with testing the reliability and information security of the electronic medical record. Testing involves checking the safety, functionality and reliability of the new electronic medical record. Every part of testing is crucial. Safety is essential for the protection of the private information of patients. Reliability means stable data input and output without any delays, errors, or malfunctioning are possible because they interfere into the stability of the data and may trigger medical errors which are absolutely unacceptable.
What are the challenges in converting the form to an electronic format and why?
There are several challenges in converting the form to an electronic format. First, the major issue is the threat to privacy of patients. The data conversion raises the problem of the availability of the data to the third parties, i.e. technicians, who work with the data and who are responsible for the data conversion (Stalker, et al., 2009). Therefore, the risk of information breaches emerges because the information breach may occur at the conversion stage.Electronic Medical Records Project
Another challenge is the risk of error which is quite high taking into consideration the fact the fact the data conversion involves the interpretation of the data from print version to the electronic form. For example, some conventional medical records involve handwriting which may be difficult to read and interpret correctly. If the data conversion is performed by professionals, who do not have the medical education, there is a risk of misinterpretation of records. As a result, wrong information may be recorded in EMR that will lead to the high risk of medical errors that may occur, when health care professionals retrieve the information from EMR. The risk of medical errors is the major challenge because such errors may have a devastating impact on patients and their health.
Are there any components of the form that you would make mandatory for the end user to complete? If so, why and how would you go about this?
Some components of EMR have to be mandatory. First, the consent of the patient to convert the information into EMR and the overall consent of the patient to have EMR are mandatory. Patients have to give their consent to process their private information contained in their conventional health records. If patients do not want the data conversion or they are anxious about the risk of the revelation of their private information. Also, some patients are concerned with the use of EMR and are not willing to convert their information into the digital form because of ethical or religious concerns, for example (Miller, et al., 2005). This is why their consent is essential to convert the information into EMR. The patient consent should be mandatory and EMR should have the informed consent form, where patients grant their consent to convert their health information and records into the electronic form.Electronic Medical Records Project
Will the new electronic form be more simple or more labor intensive than its paper counterpart? Why?
The new electronic form will contribute to the faster and more effective information processing and higher efficiency of health care services delivered to patients. The introduction of EMR can help to process the information faster and health care professionals will have the access to health records of patients. Such information is very important for health care professionals because they can provide health care services fast and effectively, when they need to have the information about chronic health problems of the patient or about allergic reactions the patient may have. In such a way, the patient can benefit from the fast and effective delivery of essential health care services. They provide health care services effectively due to the adequate information they have about the health history of the patient.
Miller, R. H., et al. (2005). “The Value of Electronic Health Records in Solo or Small Group Practices”. Health Affairs, 24 (5): 1127–1137.
Stalker, S.A. et al. (2009). “Planning a Coordinated Local Health Care System Response to a Pandemic Using an Accelerated Delphi Technique: Phase 1.” Canadian Journal of Public Health. 100(1), p. 65-72.Electronic Medical Records Project