Healthcare Program For Covid-19 Vaccine For Children Less Than 5 Years Essay

Healthcare Program For Covid-19 Vaccine For Children Less Than 5 Years Essay

Healthcare Program for Covid-19 Vaccine for Children Less Than 5 Years

Coordinated care has led to teamwork or collaboration in care delivery. As part of healthcare experts, nurses have become integral professionals and players in the health sector. Due to their role and position, nurses have become determinants of how effective care delivery is achieved. They spend much of their time with the patients and are critical players in program design and implementation (Bruce, 2018). In the wake of Covid-19, nurses’ input has been beneficial and indispensable in addressing the pandemic attending to sick patients, administering vaccines, and educating patients on ways to protect them from infection (self-care). This paper provides an interview response to questions on a proposed care program for covid-19 vaccine delivery for children under the age of 5 Healthcare Program For Covid-19 Vaccine For Children Less Than 5 Years Essay.


Proposed Program, Costs & Projected Outcomes

The emergence of the covid-19 virus has led to unprecedented pressure in the national and global health sectors. The health industry has been stretched in increasing demand for care services among the young and old. However, the invention of the vaccine has led to hope for pandemic management. Babies and young kids can now access the Covid shot as it has been recommended for five years and below. The proposed program’s cost estimate is 5000$, mainly covering the campaign to notify the parents and guardians of the exercise. Additional costs will be incurred to cater to mobile clinics to ensure improved accessibility of the jab. The projected outcomes include a positive or increased rate of vaccine intake among the target group, improved patient education to reduce negative mindset among the parents about the vaccine, and finally, increased accessibility of the jab in the entire community.

Target population

The target population is the children under the age of 5 years within the immediate local population served by the healthcare organization. The program includes education for parents and active vaccination for the children. According to COVID Vaccines for Kids 6 Months & Older: FAQs for Families. (n.d), the vaccine against covid-19 has become the best approach to manage and reduce the adverse impact of this pandemic in all age groups. However, with restrictions and rules associated with the vaccine, the children possess a particular group who solely depends on their parents’ effort to remain safe and free from the virus. The proposed program would not only deliver vaccines to children but also inform or shed light on why the process is essential for their children.

Role of the Nurse in Providing Input for the Design of This Healthcare Program

Nurses are strategically positioned in the healthcare industry, and involvement in this healthcare program design is unique. Chen et al. (2022) identified that nurses demonstrate how care can be individualized to fit the demands and patients requirements of the target population (children). The nurse has a critical in designing the program. As a result of their knowledge of the patient’s needs, they will help by identifying the requirements and resources for achieving intended goals. They also provide critical information to help the designers tailor the program to children’s vaccination and care needs. For example, I would ensure all program deliverables are understood by the designing team, such as education secessions, human resources needed a number of the target population, and regional geography to identify possible locations for mobile clinics.

My Role as an Advocate for Your Target Population for This Healthcare Program

As an advocate for the children population, my role is to ensure their vaccination needs are well met, parents well informed to make critical decisions, and provide the best and quality care by ensuring their health needs are addressed without compromise or negative aspects related to the Covid-19 jab. I would also facilitate communication and coordination among all members involved in the vaccination program regarding the program objectives and patient preferences. According to Aragonès et al. (2022), nurse professionals and advocates incorporate patient-based goals in the care plan, providing objective guidance in the entire program. Regarding impacting design, I would ensure program objectives and patients’ needs are critical facets defining the design process to ensure a high focus on successfully administering the vaccine Healthcare Program For Covid-19 Vaccine For Children Less Than 5 Years Essay.


The Role of the Nurse in Healthcare Program Implementation, How Implementation Varies From Design

Nurses fill diverse roles in the healthcare industry. Regarding implementing the proposed vaccination program, the nurses will incorporate the laid down plan/design into their clinical practices, thus delivering the jab to the children. According to Aragonès et al. (2022), implementation is putting the proposed plan into action. In the proposed program, the nurses would be active in vaccinating children, educating parents, and recording patient details. Additionally, the nurse will participate in patient evaluation before administering the vaccine, recommending possible further care in case an underlying condition is identified. The implementation process varies from design in that implementation is related to actualizing the program, while designing is more of planning. However, the two activities, design and implementation, are integrated as the plan can be revisited based on feedback from the implementing team. For example, while the plan identifies resources and manpower needed, in implementation, children will be vaccinated while their data is collected.

Members of the healthcare team needed to implement the program

Healthcare delivery has shifted from the traditional individualized play to teamwork and collaboration among the care professionals and support staff (Chen et al., 2022). For successful program implementation, the program wills require participation and input from the nurse leaders, pediatricians, community health workers, nurse informaticists, government officials, and organizational leaders. While the leaders will ensure funding, the government officials will avail the vaccines. Nurse informatics will provide digital data capture tools while nurses actively participate in patient education and vaccination Healthcare Program For Covid-19 Vaccine For Children Less Than 5 Years Essay.


Aragonès, E., López-Cortacans, G., Cardoner, N., Tomé-Pires, C., Porta-Casteràs, D., & Palao, D. (2022). Barriers, facilitators, and proposals for improvement in the implementation of a collaborative care program for depression: A qualitative study of primary care physicians and nurses. BMC Health Services Research, 22, 1-11.

Bruce, J. C. (2018). Nursing in the 21st century – challenging its values and roles. Professional Nursing Today, 22(1), 44-48.

Chen, Q., Li, Z., Tang, S., Zhou, C., Castro, A. R., Jiang, S., Huang, C., & Xiao, J. (2022). Development of a blended emergent research training program for clinical nurses (part 1). BMC Nursing, 21, 1-9.

COVID Vaccines for Kids 6 Months & Older: FAQs for Families. (n.d). HealthyChildren.Org. Retrieved July 24, 2022, from Healthcare Program For Covid-19 Vaccine For Children Less Than 5 Years Essay