Impact Of The Communication And Patient Hand-Off Tool SBAR On Patient Safety Discussion Response
Impact Of The Communication And Patient Hand-Off Tool SBAR On Patient Safety Discussion Response
Hello, your selection for the clinical issue of interest is excellent. The failure to proper SBAR and complete comprehensive reports on the shift change is a significant clinical issue that must be addressed. According to Shahid and Thomas (2018), the SBAR technique focuses on enhancing communication effectiveness by standardizing the communication process. This approach supports efficient and effective communication to improve the quality and safety of patient care, resulting in positive health outcomes (Müller et al., 2018). Therefore, presenting proper SBAR and complete comprehensive reports while changing shift will enhance understanding of patient’s healthcare needs, resulting in quality, safe, and efficient patient care, which will lead to positive health outcomes in the healthcare organization. However, your proposed PICOT question, “How will patients admitted in the hospital as well as nurses (P) benefit with bedside shift report (I) compared to those who do not receive bedside report have better overall standards of care, patient outcomes and nurse satisfaction (O) within three months if implementation (T).” This question could read, “Among patients admitted in the hospital (P), does comprehensive bedside report (I) compared to no report (C) improve overall standards of care, patient outcomes and nurse satisfaction (O) within three months (T)? Impact Of The Communication And Patient Hand-Off Tool SBAR On Patient Safety Discussion Response”
Additionally, support your database choice, including CINHAL, PubMed, ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health, and Medline database. It is recommendable to conduct data search from these databases since they provide quality and reliable peer-reviewed journal articles on various nursing topics. Thus, the required evidence supporting the efficacy of “bedside reports” in improving the quality and safety of patient care could be obtained from these databases. Lastly, I agree that adding Boolean operators enhances article search.
Müller, M., Jürgens, J., Redaèlli, M., Klingberg, K., Hautz, W. E., & Stock, S. (2018). Impact of the communication and patient hand-off tool SBAR on patient safety: a systematic review. BMJ open, 8(8), e022202. Doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-022202.
Shahid, S., & Thomas, S. (2018). A narrative review is a situation, background, assessment, and recommendation (SBAR) communication tool for handoff in health care. Safety in Health, 4(1), 1-9.
Clinical Issue of Interest
A clinical issue of interest is the lack of proper SBAR and full, comprehensive reports being given on change of shift. This is an important issue that needs to be addresses as it can lower the understanding of duties, treatments and necessities each patient needs while in the hospitals. Without proper hand off reports nurses can miss information, leading to poor outcomes and possible mistakes. Specifically with the use of bedside hand off reporting, patients feel more involved in their care as well as stay informed on their treatments and expectations while at the hospital Impact Of The Communication And Patient Hand-Off Tool SBAR On Patient Safety Discussion Response.
PICOT Question
How will patients admitted in the hospital as well as nurses (P) benefit with bedside shift report (I) compared to those who do not receive bedside report have better overall standards of care, patient outcomes and nurse satisfaction (O) within three months if implementation (T).
Search results
In order to ensure that the information and articles that were used were well rounded I ensured that each resource found was found in a different database each time. The first data base that was used was CINHAL, when I searched for the article I ensured that dates ranged from 2017-2022, peer reviewed and full text articles were only shown. I searched “bedside report” AND “healthcare”. There were 15 articles that resulted within those filters. If I was to remove the filters and only search “bedside report” AND “healthcare”, there were 49 results.
The second article that was chosen was found through the database PubMed. Through this database I simply searched “bedside report” AND “patient”, with the filters of full text, 2017-2022 and randomized control trial. With these options chosen there were still 328 results. Without the use of filter and the use of AND there were 1,141 results.
The third article was chosen from the ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health database. On this database the words “shift report” AND “bedside” were used as well as selecting the filters, newest, peer reviewed and full text. With the use of these filters there was 39 results the populated. Without the use of the filters and the use of the Boolean operators there were 131 results.
Lastly the final article that was chosen was found through Medline database. The searched words was “bedside shift report” AND “change”. With the use of filters of only seeing articles within the past 5 years, peer reviewed and full text, there were only 8 results. Without the use of the filters and Boolean operator there were 45 resulted articles.
Boolean, Results and PICO
When looking for the best articles that are the most relevant to the subject you are looking up, the use of Boolean operators are extremely helpful. With the use of AND, I was able to ensure the words I needed within an article were there, “They allow you to create a complex search that could include multiple concepts and alternative keywords” (Walden University, 2022). Research results were also found easily with the use of advanced searches within each database in order to ensure all articles were peer reviewed and within the last 5 years. In order to find information for the PICO question you can use Boolean operators to keep on topic as well as seek more information such as the population being affected, in this case nurse and patients, “The use of the four-part PICO model to facilitate search strategy development for a precise answer is recommended for structuring searches for systematic reviews. Existing guidelines generally recommend that a search strategy should include the population, intervention(s), and types of study design” (Frandsen et al., 2020). With the use of advance search engines and databases, information can be gathered easily and efficiently Impact Of The Communication And Patient Hand-Off Tool SBAR On Patient Safety Discussion Response.
Frandsen, T., Nielsen, M., Lindhardt, C., & Eriksen, M. (2020, November). Using the full PICO model as a search tool for systematic reviews resulted in lower recall for some PICO elements. National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Walden University. (2022). What are boolean operators? – Quick Answers. Impact Of The Communication And Patient Hand-Off Tool SBAR On Patient Safety Discussion Response