Implementation Of Evidence-Based Practice Research Paper
Implementation Of Evidence-Based Practice Research Paper
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What is Evidenced-Based Practice?
Define evidenced-based practice
Evidence-based practice (EBP) refers to the use of best available, current evidence to facilitate decision-making, and ensure that patients receive effective and efficient care on scientific basis. In fact, it is recognized as key to improving health care quality and patient outcomes since it provides a platform for new information generated from nursing experience and research to be effectively translated and used in nursing practice (Li, Cao & Zhu, 2019) Implementation Of Evidence-Based Practice Research Paper.
The evolution of EBP
Sackett and others defined EBP as the judicious, explicit and conscientious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. They first introduced the term EBP in literature around 1996. While not exactly a new concept since its application can be traced as far back as the origins of nursing and even Florence Nightingale applied it in the 1800s. EBP has now changed into a mind set that shift away from the idea that “that is the ways things have always been done”, towards the mindset that health care providers can think, research and find the most effective and proven ways of providing care to patients. This means that EBP is now accepted as transcending care approaches based solely on tradition towards finding science-based strategies thereby allowing for health care practices to be standardized even as illogical variations in care are reduced (McMenamin et al., 2019).
How barriers to EBP can be overcome.
Although implementation of EBP in clinical practice is crucial, it is hampered by limited support for implementation, lack of knowledge and skills to find and use evidence, time mismanagement, lack of motivation, and lack of resources and training. The barriers can be overcome by providing support and resources for EBP implementation, providing training to improve knowledge and skills, allowing time to engage in EBP, and providing incentives to motivate EBP (Dagne & Beshah, 2021).
An example of a compelling clinical question that piques your interest.
A compelling clinical question is: how can nurses improve communication during shift-change to facilitate care efforts? This question is based on the idea that shift-change is an opportunity to ensure that the incoming nurses have as much information as they outgoing nurses have. However, it is concerning that the communication opportunity at shift change is not leveraged so that some of the information is not delivered. This results in missed care opportunities Implementation Of Evidence-Based Practice Research Paper.
Dagne, A. H., & Beshah, M. H. (2021) Implementation of evidence-based practice: The experience of nurses and midwives. PLoS ONE, 16(8), e0256600.
Li, S., Cao, M., & Zhu, X. (2019). Evidence-based practice. Medicine (Baltimore), 98(39), e17209.
McMenamin, A., Sun, C., Prifeta, P., & Raso, R. (2019). The evolution of evidence-based practice. Nursing Management (Springhouse), 50(9), 14-19. Implementation Of Evidence-Based Practice Research Paper