Leadership Traits And Behaviors I Can Strengthen To Improve My Leadership Capacity Assignment
Leadership Traits And Behaviors I Can Strengthen To Improve My Leadership Capacity Assignment
Personal leadership philosophies
Leadership is the skill of organizing and directing people in achieving specific goals and objectives. Being a proficient leader is important because nurses are independent actors and guide the care process to health outcomes for individual patients and the society at large. To me, a good leader is one that understands strengths of team members, knows how to organize, affirms team values, encourages open communication, welcomes feedback, has good ethical awareness, and is competent in their field of practice. This discussion explores my leadership traits and behaviors I can strengthen to improve my leadership capacity Leadership Traits And Behaviors I Can Strengthen To Improve My Leadership Capacity Assignment.
Personal core values
Core values are crucial in that they indicate what we want to work to. My core values are creativity, reliability, excellence, compassion, and influence. These are my core values because creativity is a pathway to novel solutions and ways of doing things, compassion helps one to empathize with others, excellence because I want to be the best nurse I can be, and influence so that my work can leave lasting impact on the field of nursing.
Vision and mission statement
My vision is to be a dependable, empathic, honest nurse leader competent in holistic care provision. I seek to grow in my practice and make impactful contributions to the field of nursing. My mission is to gain practice certification, which will serve as foundation for further learning and insight into improving nursing practice, and develop a team where everyone is acknowledged and plays to their strengths.
Analysis and summary of my Clifton strengths assessment results
Clifton strengths assessment is an evaluation tool for presence of talents in 34 areas generally termed as themes. The manner in which a person feels, thinks, and behaves can be inferred from their talents. As such talents are useful for developing ones strengths. Clifton strengths assessment ranks a person’s talents in order of dominance, from highest to lowest. Themes high on the list indicate where the greatest potential for growth lies and where results from strengths development can be most visible (Bloom, 2018). It is worth noting that the Clifton strengths assessment themes relate to potentials and not indicative of one’s present abilities. For me, the top five themes from the assessment are achiever, learner, developer, includer, and deliberative Leadership Traits And Behaviors I Can Strengthen To Improve My Leadership Capacity Assignment.
Achiever is an execution talent theme. Execution themes relate to the drive for accomplishment and deriving satisfaction from practical solutions. Achievers possess a lot of stamina and enjoy being productive. Achievers find fulfillment in roles and environments where they see tasks to completion, objectives are clearly defined, and they have autonomy to set their own pace of work (Bloom, 2018). Conversely, they shun environments where hard work is absent in a team, constant goal shifting, and targets and milestones are lacking. Learner is a thinking talent theme. Thinking talent themes entail decision making and critical thinking. Learners seek continuous improvement, treasure opportunities to gain new knowledge, curiosity, and environments open to new ways of getting things done. Notably, learners find monotonous tasks, professional stagnation, and trivialities draining.
Developer is a thinking talent theme. Developers are characterized by the ability to recognize and develop potential talent in others. Developers cherish opportunities to help others grow in their careers by providing mentorship and support. They loathe seeing people waste their potential or being a roadblock to growth. Includer is a relationship theme. Relationship themes have to do with personal connections and seeing the human element in a situation (Bloom, 2018). Includers have exceptional ethical awareness and have aptitude for getting all kinds of people involved in an undertaking. Includers derive satisfaction from diversity in a group and developing its emotional intelligence. On the other hand, lack of diversity, limiting access for others, and ignoring some stakeholders voices make for things includers dislike.
Deliberative is an execution theme. Deliberative people demonstrate exceptional depth and care in decision making where they anticipate hurdles and devise solutions beforehand (Bloom, 2018). Such people like to explore possible risks, carefully ponder subsequent steps, and having time to think before making choices. They abhor hasty uninformed decision making, cleaning up the mess resulting from others’ decisions, and pressure to rush into action.
Behaviors I wish to strengthen
In terms of leadership ability, the two behaviors I wish to strengthen are openness to different perspectives and supporting others. Openness to varied perspectives is important to a leader because it widens their worldview and enables them to think of a situation from a perspective non-native to them (Baillie, 2017). This creates opportunities for new solutions and inclusivity for others. Doing so creates an environment of free expression and sharing of ideas, which serves to boost innovation. Supporting others is important for a leader that seeks to motivate their team and assist in developing the careers of others Leadership Traits And Behaviors I Can Strengthen To Improve My Leadership Capacity Assignment.
Plan for improving leadership behaviors and achieve personal vision
Openness to new perspectives requires moving from one’s comfort zone. It requires considering opinions and beliefs alien to oneself, sometimes maybe even offensive. The objective is to understand the drivers behind those beliefs and opinions. Therefore, my plan for developing openness to new perspectives is participating in events sponsored by people of different professions, ethnicities and nationalities. To develop my capacity for supporting others, I will take short courses on leadership and mentoring. Mentoring and supporting others is a delicate skill because there is a fine line between supporting others to get them to achieve their potential and coming out as too pushy and consequently inviting resistance (Furukawa & Kashiwagi, 2021).
Feedback from my colleagues implies that I think too much. I think lessons on mentoring will also provide a platform through which to explore new concepts before applying them in my work. To achieve my personal vision, I will complete my nursing course, get licensed as APRN, gain employment in a large highly diversified healthcare provider for exposure, advance my studies, and start independent practice within the next 10 years.
What is your leadership philosophy? In this Assignment, you will explore what guides your own leadership.
To Prepare:
Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.
Reflect on the leadership behaviors presented in the three resources that you selected for review.
Reflect on your results of the CliftonStrengths Assessment*, and consider how the results relate to your leadership traits.
*not required to submit CliftonStrengths Assessment
The Assignment (2-3 pages):
Personal Leadership Philosophies
Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following:
A description of your core values.
A personal mission and vision statement.
An analysis of your CliftonStrengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile
A description of two key behaviors that you wish to strengthen.
A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviors you selected and an explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal vision. Be specific and provide examples.
Be sure to incorporate your colleagues’ feedback on your CliftonStrengths Assessment from this Module’s Discussion 2 Leadership Traits And Behaviors I Can Strengthen To Improve My Leadership Capacity Assignment.
Baillie, L. (2017). An exploration of the 6Cs as a set of values for nursing practice. British
Journal of Nursing, 26(10), 558-563.
Bloom, T. J. (2018). Comparison of StrengthsQuest signature themes in student pharmacists and
other health care profession students. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 82(1).
Furukawa, A., & Kashiwagi, K. (2021). The relationship between leadership behaviours of ward
nurse managers and teamwork competency of nursing staff: A cross‐sectional study in Japanese hospitals. Journal of Nursing Management, 29(7), 2056-2064 Leadership Traits And Behaviors I Can Strengthen To Improve My Leadership Capacity Assignment.