Legalization of Drugs: Background, Pros and Cons

Legalization of Drugs: Background, Pros and Cons

The legalization of drugs is one of the significant trending topics in the modern world. Originally, scientists-chemists invented drugs to cure illnesses and save lives. The founder of the Royal Institute of Chemistry, Alder Wright, was one of these chemists. In the late 19th century, Alder Wright synthesized heroin and did it to treat patients for migraines, stomach problems, cough and a wide range of other diseases. According to history, tuberculosis was the primary disease of humanity at that time. In turn, heroin considered as a panacea for this disease. It suppressed symptoms of tuberculosis, primarily cough. Besides, the German pharmaceutical company Bayer AG, which produced heroin-based medicines, assured that heroin aids in heart diseases, sclerosis, diseases of the digestive system and flu. This company was selling heroin-based medicines to twenty-two countries, and the United States was its crucial buyer. It was a so-called scientific breakthrough until people revealed terrible side effects (Humberto & Therissa, n/p). It turned out that heroin wrecks teeth destroys the immune system, impairs cognitive capacities and even causes impotence. However, the list of side effects does not end here. More importantly, scientists figured out that this alkaloid causes serious addiction. They realized it too late, and many people got hooked on heroin-based medicines, primarily cough syrups.Legalization of Drugs: Background, Pros and Cons

In 1913, Bayer AG suspended the production of heroin. Following in the footsteps of the German pharmaceutical company, the United States banned the use of heroin in 1924. Another interesting fact is that more than 34 tons of drugs were sold throughout the world. The consequences were irreversible. After that scientists synthesized methadone for addicts. The idea was to cure heroin addiction. However, people had no idea that they try to cure heroin addiction with the help of another drug. Currently, pharmaceutical companies do not produce heroin-based medicines, and this drug is illegal. Only chemical corporations such as Sigma-Aldrich produce and sell it to relieve the sufferings of terminally ill.

In modern times, people know about the terrible side effects of drugs, but it does not prevent them from abuse. It is one thing to use drugs for therapeutic purposes but quite another to use them for getting high. The legalization of drugs even marijuana will result in irreversible consequences for modern society (The Houston Investigative Support Center, n/p).  It is a step to permissiveness. I am running against legalization of all kinds of drugs because I want to live in a healthy society and feel safe. I want to have healthy children and move forward with my life but not suffer from the consequences of legalization. Alcohol and tobacco have already changed the world beyond all recognition, and I do not like these changes.


The old days, when Sigmund Freud praised cocaine for its ability to overcome depression, have passed (Center for Addiction and Mental Health, n/p). I have no desire to repeat the mistakes of the past. Since the 1880s and until the early 20th century, pharmaceutical companies had been adding cocaine to healing tonics. The results were disappointing. Many people experienced severe sleep disorders, digestive problems, mental disorders, and even severe depression. In 1920, the United States banned the use of cocaine. However, it had already spread worldwide. The experience of earlier generations shows us that drugs cause strong addiction. Moreover, drugs are responsible for the deaths of billions of human beings. It is time to face the truth and admit that drugs are dangerous. Only terminally ill should take it to relieve their sufferings.Legalization of Drugs: Background, Pros and Cons

In 1984, one foolish woman invented morphine-based syrup. Charlotte Winslow added 65 milligrams of morphine in it. Women gave this syrup to their children to calm them during the first dentition. This has led to the tragic deaths of a large number of children. Children died of an overdose of morphine (Museum of Health Care, n/p).

We have an opportunity to draw a lesson from this terrible situation. Modern medicine is developing at the speed of light and has made progress. However, I seriously doubt that legalization will contribute to the healing of people. Probably, the legalization will result in an increased number of drug addicts. The health of billions of people will be jeopardized. Drug addicts are unpredictable and can’t control themselves. The withdrawal can nudge them to murders, robbery, and rape (Gorman, n/p). The world will plunge into chaos and civilization will change dramatically. Thus, the legalization of drugs will lead to an increase in crime. It is like a game of Russian roulette. The criminal sentence for drug production, use, and trafficking keeps us safe.

The legalization is profitable for the government, but the price is too high. The drug epidemic will spread like wildfire on a windy day. The government will spend more money on health-care services than get from legalization of drugs. We should continue our war on drugs (The U.S. Government, n/p).Legalization of Drugs: Background, Pros and Cons

The former President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon authorized the possession of heroin, cocaine, LSD, methamphetamines, and marijuana for personal use. Calderon believed that this action would help to combat drug trafficking. It is completely ridiculous. Also, the President of Mexico declared war to large drug cartels. The consequences have rapidly emerged. More than 150 000 people have been victims of this drug war. At the same time, 30 000 people went missing. The mortality rate has significantly increased due to massacres committed by drug cartels. The legalization of drugs contributed to an increase in the number of drug addicts and the growth of organized criminal activity (Usborne David, n/p). One can conclude that Filipe Calderon messed everything up. The President of Mexico has placed the country in a dire situation. Mexico began to spend obscene amounts of money on security and defense.

If drugs are legalized, drug trafficker will lose money. The price of drugs will drop, and all drugs will become available to the public. Drug traffickers will shift to human trafficking because this activity is a better alternative for drug trafficking. Permissiveness will lead to the moral and physical ruin of society. The legalization of drugs is a serious threat to the well-being and security of people.

In 1993 Stockholm and Paris have created an organization called European cities against drugs (The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, n/p). The primary purpose of this organization was the fight against the legalization of drugs. More importantly, it was engaged in the development of treatment techniques and care of drug addicts. This organization claimed that there is no reason to separate drugs into heavy and soft. All drugs damage human health.

The sale of drugs is banned for good reasons. It is impossible to control the sale of heroin, cocaine, LSD and other drugs. By way of illustration, we can consider the legalization of alcohol and tobacco. Nowadays, any teenager can buy alcohol drink or cigarettes despite the ban. The same thing will happen with drugs. A zero-tolerance policy for alcohol failed, and we are now witnessing negative consequences of legalization. We can draw a lesson from a bad experience or make the same mistakes over and over again. Drugs should be used for medical purposes only.Legalization of Drugs: Background, Pros and Cons

The Government of the Netherlands authorized the sale of marijuana and paid a high price for it. The crime level rose dramatically, and the vast majority of teenagers became addicted to marijuana. The U.S Department of Justice revealed that people commit six times more murders under the influence of drugs. Almost 40% of inmates in Dutch prisons were convicted for crimes related to drug abuse. Thus, legalization of drugs will do more harm than good (The U.S Department of Justice, n/p).

Works Cited

Center for Addiction and Mental Health. “Cocaine.” 2010. Retrieved from

Fernandez, H. & Libby, T. “Heroin: its story, pharmacology, and treatment.” 2011. Retrieved from

Gorman, T. “The arguments against legalizing drugs: legalization and crime.” 2002. Retrieved from

Museum of Health Care. “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing syrup: the baby killer.” 2017. Retrieved from of Drugs: Background, Pros and Cons