Principles Of Educational Leadership And Management Essay Paper

Principles Of Educational Leadership And Management Essay Paper

Leadership Journal Template

Practicum Activities Reflection:

The activities and discussions with my preceptor for the first two weeks of the Practicum included a discussion of the project and the importance of communicating and collaborating with the others. As identified at the start of the session, communication and collaboration are the critical roles of the nurse executives as it helps strengthen and build trust while caring for the patients (Cornett & Kuziemsky,2018). As we continue with the Practicum, I anticipate further discussion on the topic of communication as it provides more information on how conflicts and diversity can be handled in the workplace. The second activity we focused on was distinguishing the existing differences between leadership and management. This topic enabled the learners to view that leadership depends entirely on power and puts the employees at the very top position. The servant leader usually uses their interpersonal skills to influence the others, while the managers hold legitimate positions in power. In my supervisory role, I practice the servant leadership role that enables me to identify how the employees provide the care needed to the patients. As I continue to take up the supervisory role, I hope I will be in a better position to clearly understand the various needs of the employees and the challenges they may be encountering at the workplace Principles Of Educational Leadership And Management Essay Paper.


Application of Leadership:

In my organization, the power that I have is that of Influencing others. With the few leadership skills that I have attained by serving for some years in practice, the staff and other janitors have always sought advice from me regarding improving the patient care and how to solve conflicts among themselves. With this position that I hold, I must make good use of my power well in serving others effectively. The power of influencing others alongside the knowledge and experience allows for building solid relationships based on how I mentor them (Bush et al.,2019). By helping others, I would be in a better position to help the organization improve various processes and also practices of care. With the various assignments I have been assigned, I can utilize the skills I gain in modifying different patient care practices to improve the patient outcome.

 Practicum Project Preparation:

During the Practicum preparation, my preceptor and I discussed the need for better communication between the Laboratory and the Medical unit, especially during the weekends when the staffs are less. Some of the tasks I debated with my preceptor include developing and implementing a communication tool for the weekend Laboratory desk. This would decrease the workload between the physician and the laboratory technicians when picking the laboratory findings in the case of few staff. Some of the duties planned for the project included collaboration with the laboratory technician regarding implementing a communication tool to ensure that the right lab findings are communicated to the physician for better patient care planning. The Lickert Scale will help monitor the performance over the weekend with the main aim of improving patients’ outcomes and decreasing time spent checking for the results. The survey will then be organized and shared with all the employees via the Email, and then the team members will be allowed to provide their feedback regarding its effectiveness. Based on the responses, anticipated changes will be made to the project to improve its effectiveness and use.

Leadership Video Reflection:

The servant Leadership video on power issues has made me realize that my power is actually impacting my colleagues positively. With this ability, I can recognize the power level and its impact on my peers and colleagues. Another concept that I have realized is that with my influential power, I am in a position to bring about organizational change (GCU Media. n.d). My influence on my colleagues is due to my years in nursing and guiding others in practice. Gaining a better understanding of my influential power would greatly help me attain my organizational goals and improve the care I provide to the patients at the workplace Principles Of Educational Leadership And Management Essay Paper.


Bush, T., Bell, L., & Middlewood, D. (Eds.). (2019). Principles of educational leadership & management. Sage.

Cornett, J. A., & Kuziemsky, C. (2018). Team-based communication and the healthcare communication space Journal of health organization and management.

GCU Media. (n. d). Servant Leadership-The issue of Power

Leadership Journal Template


Weeks Covering:


Clinical/Practicum Site:

Hours Worked (past 2 weeks):___

Total Hours: ____/150 total of all hours worked up to this point


Practicum Activities Reflection:

Discuss some of your activities with your preceptor/mentor, what projects you are working on, and what observations about leadership you have made during the past two weeks. This does not need to be a step by step diary.  Instead, this is a place to reflect on how your observations and activities have compared to what you have learned in your courses thus far.

Application of Leadership:

 Each Leadership Journal assignment will include specific questions for you to answer Principles Of Educational Leadership And Management Essay Paper.


Practicum Project Preparation:

Each Leadership Journal assignment will include specific questions for you to answer.

Leadership Video Reflection:

Each Leadership Journal assignment will include specific questions for you to answer.


Practicum Journal: Authority

Assessment Description

Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and reviewing your learning. This approach provides an opportunity for you to “connect the dots” and observe the relationships between and among activities, interactions, and outcomes.

Unlike a personal journal of thoughts and feelings, this leadership journal is a record of your activities, assessments, and learning related to this academic experience.

Journal entries should include a record of the number of hours spent with your nurse leader each week.

Write a journal entry of 750-1,500 words on the subject of authority, including the following:

Practicum Activities Reflection: Provide observations and thoughts on the activities in your practicum setting during Weeks 3-4.

Application of Leadership: Reflect on how change management is handled in your professional life. How is this related to strategic management principles? Explain your answer and provide an example.

Practicum Project Preparation: Explain how your project goals align with the mission and vision of your organization, as well as with the organizational needs. Is it important that these align? Provide your rationale.

Leadership Video Reflection: Reflect on at least two things you learned from the “Servant Leadership – Issue of Authority” video.

Use the “Leadership Journal Template” to complete this assignment.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion Principles Of Educational Leadership And Management Essay Paper.