Project Implementation Paper: Barcoding System For Supplies Essay Paper

Project Implementation Paper: Barcoding System For Supplies Essay Paper

Project Implementation Paper: Barcoding System for Supplies


Barcodes have become an important tool for tracking items in many organizations and businesses. While it is regarded as a step towards saving time and costs, it presents significant benefits that are important to healthcare organizations, helping to track and manage supplies when in storage and out being used. It provides a quick, easy way to track and document the location and utilization of supplies thereby increasing efficiency while deterring theft or loss. In addition, barcodes allow for supply tracking as an important aspect of the facility’s functional financial accountability (Mulac et al., 2021). This paper looks at the implementation of a barcoding system for supplies in a healthcare facility Project Implementation Paper: Barcoding System For Supplies Essay Paper.


Project, Leadership & Organizational Change

The project seeks to implement a barcoding system for supplies. The change decision is made with the understanding that it would promote patient well-being and better patient outcomes. The change (implementing a barcoding system for supplies) achieves this by streamlining facility operations, allowing providers to work more efficiently, and increasing the level of care provided at the facility. The barcoding system is expected to benefit the facility by extending the lifecycle of supplies through functional maintenance, minimizing losses by commanding information on location and status, providing precise information on supplies, saving time and money, triggering alerts and notifications for planned and scheduled maintenance and maximizing efficiency (Zhu et al., 2022).

Transformational leadership theory has been identified as appropriate for the project. This approach involves the leader defining and executing the change management and business change for the organization. It ensures successful change management by engaging the leaders in preparing, executing, experiencing, and institutionalizing the change (Murray, 2022). The theory presents eight factors to ensure successful change management. First, creating a business case for the change by articulating its rationale, objectives, measurable value, and benefits, risks, and costs to the organization. Second, gaining support for the change, especially from the senior management who act as executive change sponsors and vocal advocates. Third, identifying rationales for objections to the change, and constructing responses. Fourth, identifying potential change opposers and devising strategies to garner their support. Fifth, defining risks associated with the change and devising risk mitigation strategies for each risk. Sixth, creating an internal communication plan and timeline that constantly updates stakeholders and presents the change results and metrics. Seventh, creating a detailed change management plan that incorporates specific actions regarding technologies, processes and people, and timelines as well as action plans identifying who is responsible and metrics for determining when an action is completed. Eighth, managing post-transformation by identifying how the objectives were met, measuring value created versus projections, and conducting ongoing risk assessment and mitigation (Mekonnen & Bayisa, 2023; Murray, 2022).

Change Strategy & Flexibility

Managing the proposed change involves undertaking many activities at once. Towards this end, Lippit’s theory is identified as appropriate for the present project. It begins with diagnosing the problem, assessing the resources and motivation, and ends with gradually removing the change ages as the change is successfully embedded in the organization’s culture. First, diagnosing the problem involves articulating the reason for the change so that all stakeholders understand what the problem is and why the change is necessary. Second, assessing the motivation and capacity for change, including identifying barriers to change. Third, assessing the resources and motivations of the change champions and agents, including their commitment to change, stamina, and power. Fourth, presenting action plans and strategy development that target progressive change objects. Fifth, ensuring that the roles and responsibilities of the change agents are clear and understood, such as the roles of subject matter expert, facilitator, and motivator. Sixth, maintaining the change through communication, feedback, and group coordination. Seventh, gradually ending the change support and removing the change agents from the relationship as the change becomes part of the organizational culture (Garcia-Dia, 2019).

Three strategies will be adopted to cultivate agility and flexibility. First, engaging the right people in the change management. Having the wrong people can lead to change failure and inefficiencies. Second, having accurate current data that provides the knowledge and experience to handle the change challenge better. With accurate data, challenges can be identified and addressed early on. Third, embracing failure as success is not achieved without failure. The organization needs to embrace the possibility of failure and the lessons it provides as this builds confidence and creativity (Hood, 2022)Project Implementation Paper: Barcoding System For Supplies Essay Paper.

Covey’s Eight Habits

Two of Covey’s eight habits will be useful in the project. First, beginning with the end in mind helps to have a clear understanding of what is to be achieved. This ensures that planning is done accordingly. Second, putting first things first by prioritizing what is most important and focusing on them first. This ensures that the critical aspects of the change are prioritized to achieve the desired change (Hood, 2022).

Team Members-Other Cultures

Seven strategies are identified for managing a multicultural team. First, overcoming the language and cultural barriers by normalizing communication, encouraging learning about other cultures, and choosing a communication language that the majority are more comfortable using. Additionally, delegating work assignments according to the cultural backgrounds of each team member. Second, consider different cultural communication styles, such as nonverbal communication and speaking patterns. Third, allowing prep time when needed as some team members can smoothly and eloquently express their thoughts when speaking in the native language, and may require time to organize their communication in the foreign language. Fourth, being open to and embracing all cultures and their differences. Fifth, organizing cross-cultural training to minimize cultural barriers, avoid stereotypes and prejudices, approach other cultures, and improve social skills. Sixth, practicing empathy by checking up on others as a way of building trust and promoting mutual respect. Finally, delivering honest and constructive feedback (Hood, 2022).

Barcodes help to track items, thereby saving time and costs. The project seeks to implement barcodes as a tool for tracking supplies in the facility, providing benefits by extending the lifecycle of supplies through functional maintenance, minimizing losses by commanding information on location and status, providing precise information on supplies, saving time and money, triggering alerts and notifications for planned and scheduled maintenance and maximizing efficiency. Transformational theory is identified as beneficial for the project by creating a business case for the change, gaining support for the change, identifying rationales for objections and constructing responses, identifying potential change opposers and garnering their support, defining risks and risk mitigation strategies, creating an internal communication plan and timeline, creating a detailed change management plan, and managing post-transformation. Lippin’s change theory will help guide the change by diagnosing the problem, assessing the motivation and capacity for change, assessing resources and motivations, presenting action plans, defining roles and responsibilities, communicating feedback and group coordination, and ending change support and removing change barriers. Agility and flexibility will be cultivated through engaging the right people and having accurate current data. Strategies for managing a multicultural team are identified as overcoming language and cultural barriers, considering different cultural communication styles, allowing prep time when needed, being open to and embracing all cultures and their differences, organizing cross-cultural training, practicing empathy, and delivering honest and constructive feedback.

Project Implementation Paper



Please follow the outline below with headings and put this paper in the APA template in proper format. Some general rules: ensure you follow APA guidelines from the document APA Information and Examples. It is not a good idea to begin or end a paragraph with a reference. For multiple references in one area, use a narrative paraphrase. Make sure you provide references from the readings and your paper is in the provided APA template.



An introduction typically begins with a few general statements (three to five) about the topic, followed by a purpose. Purpose statements go at the end of the introduction paragraph, feel free to use the one provided. The intent of the purpose statement is to let the reader know what will be discussed in the paper or discussion. Remember all paragraphs have at least three to five substantive statements. Please do not list any references in the introduction. A good introduction should stand on its own. In other words, the reader should be able to read the introduction and fully understand what is in the paper. An easy way to think about it is all those items in headings. Here is an example of a purpose statement for this assignment: “The purpose of this paper is to describe the implementation of a bar code system, select a leadership theory to drive the project and discuss common mistakes when dealing with organizational change and how to prevent or work around the mistakes. Next, this paper will review a change strategy to assist with the project along with cultivating flexibility and utilizing Covey’s habits. Finally, this paper will review important strategies to use when working with others from different cultures”.

Project, Leadership & Organizational Change


Describe the project you will implement, then provide the reason the project was selected. Remember, we never write in first person in the APA style of writing. If you need assistance, please see the class librarian.  Next, select a leadership theory from the textbook (pages 467-468) or those theories posted in the module, make sure you define it with a reference. Tell why the leadership theory will be successful in this project. Describe if there could be any challenges using this theory Project Implementation Paper: Barcoding System For Supplies Essay Paper.

Next, review the common mistakes when coping with organizational change from the readings on page 485. Select four to describe, make sure you provide a reference. Then, for each describe how you will attempt to either prevent it or work around it.


Change Strategy & Flexibility


Select a change strategy from the readings on page 486-487 for your project. You can also select a change theory from the items posted in the module. Make sure you reference the theory.  Describe the change strategy in detail then give a few examples of why this would work for your project.  Next, discuss three things you would do to cultivate agility and flexibility (page 488 from the readings) provide a reference and describe how each one will be done in your project.

Covey’s Eight Habits

Select two of Coveys Eight Habits from the readings (page 495), describe them with a reference then tell how you would use each in this project. Would they enhance the possibility of making the project successful or not?

Team Members-Other Cultures

Review the information in the readings (Guidelines for Working Successfully with Team Members from Other Cultures on page 303-304). How will you implement each of these guidelines in your project?


A good conclusion summarizes the major points in the paper. For this conclusion, provide a summary for each section. The minimum is five full paragraphs. There should be no references in the conclusion.


Garcia-Dia, M. (2019). Project Management in Nursing Informatics. Springer Publishing Company.

Hood, L. J. (2022). Leddy & Pepper’s Professional Nursing (10th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

Mekonnen, M., & Bayissa, Z. (2023). The Effect of Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles on Organizational Readiness for Change Among Health Professionals. SAGE open nursing9, 23779608231185923.

Mulac, A., Mathiesen, L., Taxis, K., & Gerd Granås, A. (2021). Barcode medication administration technology used in hospital practice: a mixed-methods observational study of policy deviations. BMJ quality & safety30(12), 1021–1030.

Murray, E. (2022). Nursing Leadership and Management for Patient Safety and Quality Care (2nd ed.). F.A. Davis Company.

Zhu, X., Tao, Y., Zhu, R., Wu, D., & Ming, W. K. (2022). Impact of Hospital Characteristics and Governance Structure on the Adoption of Tracking Technologies for Clinical and Supply Chain Use: Longitudinal Study of US Hospitals. Journal of medical Internet research24(5), e33742. Project Implementation Paper: Barcoding System For Supplies Essay Paper