Roles and Responsibilities In Leadership And Management Assignment

Roles and Responsibilities In Leadership And Management Assignment


Nurse leaders provide effective leadership in the healthcare environment that helps in strengthening the quality and safety of healthcare. Leadership entails the coordination and direction of all activities in an organization (Cyrus, 2018). There are several qualities, such as emotional intelligence, that are crucial for effective leadership. In this paper, the author discusses the importance of emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and strategic planning in healthcare organization leadership Roles and Responsibilities In Leadership And Management Assignment.


Importance of emotional intelligence in effective leadership

Leadership in the nursing profession is becoming increasingly crucial in healthcare provision. To keep up with the changing healthcare demands, nurses require leadership skills to enable them to provide safe and effective care per the set standards. Emotional intelligence involves one’s ability to monitor their feelings and to distinguish between the feelings to guide their thinking and decision-making. Emotional intelligence is crucial in leadership because it enables one to understand, manage, and use their feelings to benefit themselves and those around them.

Leadership in healthcare entails interacting with different people including colleagues, patients, and their relatives daily. These communications revolve around different circumstances and not just work-related interactions. Being emotionally intelligent helps nurse leaders to process emotions as they interact with people within their administrative positions. This helps them to achieve their goals and improve work outflow and patient care.

Nurse leaders with emotional intelligence show good management skills that promote well-being in the work environment. Through this, they can promote healthy relationships between themselves and other hospital workers and patients, thereby, promoting patient care. This also has a positive effect on improving patient outcomes.

Behaviors that show a high degree of self-awareness in leadership and management

Self-awareness refers to one’s ability to understand their strengths and weaknesses and the values they add, and to be able to openly recognize and acknowledge their feelings. Self-awareness helps us understand ourselves more clearly, to become more confident and creative. This is especially important in leadership as it helps leaders understand their value in their leadership positions so that they can deliver more (Reshetnikov et al., 2020). Nurse leaders can demonstrate self-awareness by being empathetic, good listeners, responsive, and perceptive.

Empathy is an important aspect of self-awareness in a leader. Being empathetic means that as a leader, you can understand other people’s needs and relate well with those under their leadership. This helps a leader give roles to others with their capabilities in mind so that they do not overwork others. This helps work run smoothly and promotes patients’ well-being. Self-awareness also makes leaders have good and active listening skills. This encourages proper communication within the work environment and thus, a better workflow. Being good listeners also encourages healthy relationships and respect for other staff, which promotes a good working environment.

Emotionally intelligent leaders also know their strengths and weaknesses. This enables them to know when to delegate duties and ask for help from other people within their workplace. This ensures that care is delivered to the patients by experts in the areas of concern. This also promotes learning and career development by ensuring that everyone is allowed to display their skills. Through delegation, leaders can create more time for other roles and develop their skills.

Purpose of strategic planning in a healthcare environment

Strategic planning involves the use of carefully evaluated techniques aimed at utilizing resources to the fullest potential while conserving unused resources for future purposes. Strategic planning helps healthcare organizations cope with changes that take place in the healthcare environment such as loss of staff and an increase in the number of patients (Morciano et al., 2020). This has particularly become apparent in the wake of COVI-19 which the loss of many healthcare workers and an increase in the demand for healthcare services and personnel. Therefore, strategic planning helps healthcare organizations prepare for emergencies by diverting resources to where they are needed the most. This can be in terms of setting aside funds and equipment for emergency purposes. Planning also helps hospitals reach specific goals by having laid out objectives and steps for achieving those goals.


Factors that affect future planning in an organization and tools that can be used for future planning

As discussed above, future planning helps make the organization ready to cope with changes that affect its service delivery. Several factors affect the ability of an organization to plan for future events. These include factors such as poor leadership, not knowing the environment well, poor infrastructure, lack of funds, and unwillingness to adjust to external changes (Morciano et al., 2020). Lack of good leadership affects planning through incompetent leaders who cannot foresee future events that may affect the organization. Poor leadership also leads to the misuse of funds Roles and Responsibilities In Leadership And Management Assignment.

Some of the tools that can be used for future planning include having visions, charts for a specific goal, a checklist of things to do, SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats) analysis, and portfolio analysis.


Cyrus, J. (2018). Leadership and management roles in professional nursing. Leadership and Management Competence in Nursing Practice.

Morciano, C., Errico, M. C., Faralli, C., & Minghetti, L. (2020). An analysis of the strategic plan development processes of major public organizations funding health research in nine high-income countries worldwide. Health Research Policy and Systems18(1).

Reshetnikov, V. A., Tvorogova, N. D., Hersonskiy, I. I., Sokolov, N. A., Petrunin, A. D., & Drobyshev, D. A. (2020). Leadership and emotional intelligence: Current trends in public health professionals training. Frontiers in Public Health7.

Rodriguez, R., Svensson, G., & Wood, G. (2020). Assessing corporate planning of future sustainability initiatives in private healthcare organizations. Evaluation and Program Planning83, 101869.

Steel, A., & Bertfield, D. (2020). Increasing advance care planning in the secondary care setting: A quality improvement project. Future Healthcare Journal7(2), 137-142.


Whitney S. (2020). Roles and responsibilities in leadership and management. Nursing leadership & management: Leading and serving Roles and Responsibilities In Leadership And Management Assignment