Smoke-Free Senior Housing Article Analysis Essay Discussion

Smoke-Free Senior Housing Article Analysis Essay Discussion

Smoke-Free Senior Housing Article Analysis

In any research project, stakeholders are important since these projects affect them directly. As Virgolesi et al. (2020) postulate, project planners should engage in stakeholder management since it helps create trustable relationships to prevent resistance that may derail the project deadline. In Cook et al. (2014), the main stakeholders for the project included the South Florida community, social service coordinators, and property managers. These were the most important people in ensuring that a survey on the support policies would enable the ethically and racially low-income seniors to live in smoke-free multi-unit housing. Hence, these stakeholders would help in maintaining the project’s relevance Smoke-Free Senior Housing Article Analysis Essay Discussion.


According to Thomas et al. (2019), policy change is an essential factor that most policymakers need to engage in, especially if the initial policies do not benefit the community and risk their well-being. From the literature, the authors did a great job framing the policy change because the low-income seniors also need to be treated with dignity like those seniors with high income and who are not sidelined by their racial and ethnic association. Hence, ensuring that these seniors live in smoke-free environments will not only save them from the adverse effects that the smoke brings to their health but will also save them financially. That is because the money used in treating their smoke-related issues will be used to upgrade their livelihood.

The main implication of the policy change is the effect it will have on cigarette manufacturers. That is because they will reduce their supplies within the restricted areas where these seniors’ houses are located. As a result, they may reduce the number of employees, thus increasing the unemployment rate (Blocker et al., 2020). In conclusion, since the research follows an evidence-based approach, the healthcare providers can start advocating for the policies to be made laws by introducing these policies in the House of Representatives Smoke-Free Senior Housing Article Analysis Essay Discussion.

The article by Cook et al. (2014) titled, Support for smoke free multi-unit housing policies among racially and ethnically diverse, low income seniors in South Florida, is a prime example on key stakeholders setting an agenda, conducting a survey (research study), and facilitating change. Please address the following questions based on your analysis and understanding of the article:

Who are the stakeholders?
Based on your analysis of the literature review embedded in the study, do you think the authors do a good job in framing a policy change?
Do you think this policy change has potential implications at other locations/facilities? If so, how?
What do you think are next steps in this program of research and policy?

Cook, N. J., Hollar, L., Chavez, S., Quinn, D. L., Phillips, T., DeLucca, M., & Corrales, L. (2014). Support for smoke-free multi unit housing policies among racially and ethnically diverse, low-income seniors in south florida. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 29(4), 405-415. Retrieved from


Cook, N. J., Hollar, L., Chavez, S., Quinn, D. L., Phillips, T., DeLucca, M., & Corrales, L. (2014). Support for smoke-free multi unit housing policies among racially and ethnically diverse, low-income seniors in south florida. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 29(4), 405-415. Retrieved from

Blocker, J., Lazear, J., & Ridner, S. L. (2020). Tobacco Cessation and Referral to the National Quitline. Workplace Health & Safety68(6), 257-262.

Thomas, J. L., Schreier, M., Luo, X., Lowry, S., Hennrikus, D., An, L., … & Ahluwalia, J. S. (2019). Promoting smoke-free homes through biomarker feedback documenting child exposure to tobacco toxins: protocol for a randomized clinical trial. JMIR research protocols8(10), e12654. doi: 10.2196/12654

Virgolesi, M., Marchetti, A., Pucciarelli, G., Biagioli, V., Pulimeno, A. M. L., Piredda, M., & De Marinis, M. G. (2020). Stakeholders’ perspective about their engagement in developing a competency-based nursing baccalaureate curriculum: A qualitative study. Journal of Professional Nursing36(3), 141-146. Smoke-Free Senior Housing Article Analysis Essay Discussion