Sociologic Sciences Journal Essay Assignment

Sociologic Sciences Journal Essay Assignment

Comparison of the case study to related theories

The role theory

According to the role theory, different people play various roles in society, and role expectations can lead to stress or strain when there is a deviation between personal expectations and societal demands (Nasirpouri & Biros, 2021). In the case of Natalie, as a new nurse, she is experiencing role strain in negotiating her role behaviors, more especially in managing complex equipment and medications, while maintaining the caring aspect of nursing. This aligns with the role theory’s concept of role incongruity. The theory therefore presents a perfect example that portrays how deviation between personal expectations and societal demands can lead to stress Sociologic Sciences Journal Essay Assignment.


Conflict theory

The conflict Theory emphasizes power dynamics and struggles for dominance in social interactions (Doucet, 2020). The conflict between Natalie and the experienced nurses can be understood by focusing on the conflict theory. The experienced nurses may feel threatened by Natalie’s advanced degree, leading to a power struggle. Acknowledging this conflict is essential for Natalie to navigate the power dynamics in her nursing environment because it can help her appreciate and recognize that they both depend on one another for effective service delivery.

Social exchange theory

The Social Exchange Theory explores the various social interactions as exchanges of resources, with individuals seeking reciprocity in relationships (Ahmad et al., 2023). Natalie’s perception of lacking reciprocity in her relationships with the experienced nurses made her think of resigning. In applying the Social Exchange Theory, Natalie seeks a balance by acknowledging and appreciating the knowledge and experience of the other AND nurses, hoping to foster a more reciprocal and supportive environment.

Comparison to my nursing practice

In my nursing practice, I encountered a situation where Conflict Theory was evident in a case between a newly hired nurse and seasoned staff nurse. The new nurse with a lot of vigor and energy applied innovative ideas and approaches which were met with a lot of resistance from the experienced staff who felt their authority was being challenged. The new nurse emphasized on the need to apply evidence based practices that she had gained knowledge about from research and clinical r5otations. In applying the Conflict Theory, I recognized the power struggle and worked to facilitate communication and collaboration Sociologic Sciences Journal Essay Assignment.

In another significant scenario involved a nursing student rotating through our department, I applied Social Exchange Theory by recognizing the importance of mentorship, I made an effort to share knowledge and experiences with the student, developing a reciprocal relationship. This not only facilitated the student’s learning experience but also contributed to a positive and supportive work environment. The social exchange theory is particularly essential because it helps to reduce stress, strain as well as improve patient outcomes in healthcare because the various professionals are able to work in collaboration to meet the specific needs of each patient.

In summation, the case study of Natalie Kazakova provides valuable insights into the application of Role Theory, Conflict Theory, and Social Exchange Theory in nursing practice. Understanding these theoretical frameworks equips nurses to navigate healthcare challenges that may hinder appropriate service delivery, promote effective communication among team members as well as build collaborative relationships within the healthcare team. These theories in general work to promote a cordial working relationship among the various professionals thereby improving the work environment.


Ahmad, R., Nawaz, M. R., Ishaq, M. I., Khan, M. M., & Ashraf, H. A. (2023). Social exchange theory: Systematic review and future directions. Frontiers in Psychology13, 1015921.

Doucet, J. (2020). Applying Social Theory to Global Poverty. Applying_Social_Theory_to_Poverty.pdf (

Nasirpouri Shadbad, F., & Biros, D. (2021). Understanding employee information security policy compliance from role theory perspective. Journal of Computer Information Systems61(6), 571-580. Sociologic Sciences Journal Essay Assignment